René Hemmer is generally considered the pathfinder of the second generation of composers in
Luxembourg. This generation covers names such as Edmond Cigrang, René Mertzig, Norbert
Hoffmann and Claus Krumlovsky, and is characterised by a freedom from traditional patterns
and methods. Though this development clearly did not take place on the conscious
programmed level, new trends and musical possibilities were nevertheless opened up which
led to a new and "bolder" approach to composition. The inevitable risks in terms of public
reaction must, of course, be accepted. René Hemmer was born in 1919 in Rodange. He joined
the Military Band at the age of 20 and subsequently became the deputy director. He played
trumpet and cello. He also led the band of his home town for 23 years. In addition, he taught
at the Music School in Petange and at the Luxembourg Conservatory. He founded and
conducted the Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg, which consists almost entirely of
amateur musicians.