Events Calendar 2010
17 January 2010
Soleuvre - Eglise St. Nicolas
Martinu revisited 2009 - 2010
Jana Brozkova oboe
Kudmila Peterkova clarinet
Jan Kubita bassoonŒuvres de Bohuslav Martinu, Luc Grethen (création) et Darius Milhaud
In cooperation with MusicEnterprise and «Club de musique des Communautés européennes»
29 January 2010
Conservatoire de Musique - Luxembourg
Musique Américaine
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Leana Sealy chant
David Laborier guitare
Sarah Briganti piano
Charles Ives
Variations on “America”
Philip Glass
Songs from Liquid Days
Steve Reich
Clapping Music
Samuel Barber
Adagio pour orchestre
Cole Porter, Irving Berlin
Mélodies du Broadway
George Gershwin
Rhapsody in Blue
Leana Sealy
Sarah Briganti![]()
Supported by IBM
Tel.: +352 47 08 951 (lundi vendredi 10.00 18.30 h)
10 February 2010
Philharmonie Luxembourg Espace Découverte
“Concert Portraits”
Alfred Kowalsky & Victor Fenigstein
Les solistes du Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Alfred Kowalsky Danse Luxembourgeoise No 2 pour violon et piano Elégie pour alto et piano Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano
Victor Fenigstein 4 Rufspiele für Flöte und Klavier Complainte "de notre temps" pour violoncelle et piano Vortragsstück für Flöte und Klavier Six Folk Songs for flute, cello and snare drum Viermal Beängstigendes und Tröstliches für Streichquartett
Trois Esquisses pour quatuor à cordes Six réactions sur un thème de rythme pour quatuor à cordes
Backstage: 19:45
Publikumsgespräch mit Dr. Luc Deitz und Marcel Wengler
Alfred Kowalsky Victor Fenigstein
Reservation: Philharmonie online:
Tel.: +352 26 32 26 32
18 February 2010
New release Portrait - CD Claude Lefebvre
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Claude Lefebvre Luzifer: in den hohen Trompeten der Bäume
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Voix de basse: Nicholas Isherwood
25 February 2010
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2010
Deadline for Entries: 10 September 2010
Composers of any age or nationality are invited to submit a new piece for solo-violin and the ensemble Luxembourg Sinfonietta.
More information in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese
New release
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
World Première Recordings
CD 409 - Luxembourg Sinfonietta dans la Grande Région
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
François Bousch Graoully Arne Gieshoff Nachtreise Jürgen Blume Polychromie Natalya Chepelyuk e / statico Luc Rollinger Luggaldimmerankia William Attwood En Frente
Soloists: Inci Yakar piano
Maurizio Spiridigliozzi accordion
Conductor: Marcel Wengler Editions LGNM No 409
Price 15.-€
New release
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
World Première Recordings
CD 410 - Europe meets China
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Guo Long Immensity Xiaozhong Yang Horsetail Whisk II Ao Changqun Mix II Richard Tsang Temple Rituals Benoît Stasiaczyk Wen
Soloists: Xiaoli Yang guzheng
Maurizio Spiridigliozzi accordion
Sarah Briganti piano
Sébastien Duguet clarinet
Conductor: Marcel Wengler Editions LGNM No 410
Price 15.-€
31 March 2010
Sichuan Conservatory of Music - Chengdu
Exchange Project China - Luxembourg
Chengdu Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Zhang Zhiliang Cursive Hand world-première Lin Yan Meditation from two sounds world-première Yang Xinmin Variety Expression world-première
29 April - 9 May
ISCM World New Music Days 2010
Sydney, Australia
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary Music
“Living Music” The 2010 ISCM World New Music Days will be the largest festival of contemporary music ever held in Australia. Presenting partners Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Aurora New Music, ABC Classic FM, the Australian Music Centre and Campbelltown Arts Centre are co-ordinating 23 concerts in Western and Central Sydney. Venues include the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre (Penrith), Eugene Goossens Hall (Ultimo), Parramatta Riverside Theatre, Blacktown Arts Centre and St. Finbar’s Church, Glenbrook. In putting together the programme for this festival, over 500 works from 52 ISCM member sections and independent composers were assessed by the jury panels. The selected works reflect a broad spectrum of innovative musical practice from across the world, covering traditional chamber groups and choirs to cutting edge multimedia and sound installations. Music for the festival has been sourced from around the globe: from right next door in NZ and Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Indonesia), to western and eastern Europe and Russia, to North, South and Central America (the US, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela), and even South Africa. Notable in the 2010 ISCM World New Music Days is the inclusion of a special category of Radiophonic works thirteen works that have been specifically written for radio broadcast. Our media partner, ABC Classic FM, will be presenting these and other works recorded during the festival throughout Australia, as well as streamed via the web.Matthew Hindson
Artistic DirectorComplete Festival Programme:
May-July 2010
Gustav Mahler Jubilee 2010 / 2011
In 2010 and 2011 we, together with the whole of the cultural world, will be marking two notable anniversaries of the composer Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) who was born in our country in the village of Kaliště near Humpolec, spent his childhood up to the age of 15 in Jihlava and the Highlands border region between Bohemia and Moravia, and continued his ties with the land and culture of what is now the Czech Republic. (There was in particular his work as a conductor at Olomouc and in Prague, the world premiere of his Symphony No. 7 in Prague on 19th September 1908, as well as other instances). The Gustav Mahler Society, in continuing its earlier activities from the 1990s which gave rise to the restoration of his birthplace, is aiming to contribute to the purposeful presentation and promotion of the personality and music of Gustav Mahler with due emphasis on his Czech (böhmisch, Czech-Austrian and Czech-German-Jewish) roots, his ties to the Highlands region and Jihlava and on his personality’s international dimension.
International Gustav Mahler Music Festival 2010
Czech Republic
Jihlava Praha
Mahler 2000 Gustav Mahler Society Czech Republic
27 May 2010
International Gustav Mahler Music Festival 2010
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Praha - Jihlava
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Eva Garajová mezzosoprano
Lars Grünwoldt baritone
© FotoPeter2007
Sous le Haut Patronage de Monsieur Jean Faltz,
Ambassadeur du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg en République tchèque
Jos Kinzé Kleine Lustspiel-Ouverture Erik Satie Gymnopédie Luc Rollinger Ogun & Oshun
first-performanceClaude Debussy Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune Gustav Mahler Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Rückert
- Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder
- Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft
- Um Mitternacht
- Liebst du um Schönheit
- Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
first-performance of the orchestration by Marcel WenglerJ.S. Bach Ricercare à 11 Roland Wiltgen Meden agan
first-performanceBéla Bartók Dances from Transilvania Franz Schubert Winterreise:
Gute NachtGustav Mahler Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
- Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
- Ging heut’ morgen übers Feld
- Ich hab ein glühend Messer
- Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
9-12 June 2010
IAMIC Annual Conference - Dublin
Annual conference of the IAMIC
International Association of Music Information Centres
Organized by the Contemporary Music Centre Ireland
13-20 June 2010
33e Festival Franco Anglais de Poésie - Paris
“Du poétique à la poésie”
Qu’y a-t-il de commun entre “le poétique” tel que l’entend le langage courant et “la poésie” telle que l’entendent et la pratiquent les poètes ?
Quelque quarante-cinq poètes, principalement de langue anglaise et de langue française, auxquels se joignent trente poètes catalans, tentent l’écriture de poèmes à partir de sujets réputés “poétiques”, tout en se gardant des bons sentiments et des fleurs bleues habituelles: “ils revisitent le poétique”.
Onze poètes de langue anglaise et française mais aussi roumaine, allemande et catalane, réfléchissent quant à eux sur cette propension du langage courant à distribuer à tout vent le label “poétique”. Ils saisissent l’occasion pour préciser leur rapport personnel à le poésie, ce en quoi elle se distingue ou se rapproche, précisément, dudit “poétique”….
A cette réflexion prennent part également quelque quarante artistes: leur regard va à la rencontre de la poésie telle que la font vivre les poèmes, et telle qu’ils la lisent eux-mêmes.
Jacques Rancourt
19 June 2010
Auditorium Saint-Germain - Paris
“Poésie et Musique”
Depuis une première collaboration avec l’IRCAM en 1987, le Festival franco-anglais de poésie dirigé par Jacques Rancourt invite chaque année des compositeurs à créer des œuvres à partir de textes de poètes contemporains. Pour cette nouvelle édition, nous retrouvons des poèmes écrits sur le thème “Du poétique à la poésie” pour la revue “la Traductière”, et des musiciens réunis par le directeur musical de ce Festival, le compositeur suisse Jean-Luc Darbellay.
Une rencontre internationale, un échange artistique de grande intensité. Interprètes Noelle-Anne Darbellay, violon et voix
Christine Marchais, piano
Marc Sieffert, saxophone
Damien Top, ténor et récitant
Asdrubal Bandeira, Altamiro Rocha, saxophone
Mathilde Legrand, Juliette Raffin-Gay, piano
Adrien Djerbetian, Marie-Claude Fillion, récitants
Programme: en création mondiale François Bousch Le rossignol
poème de Peter RileyMarcel Dortort What happened to the heart
poème de Brian McCabeJean-Marie Morel La feuille d’automne
poème de Jacques RancourtMarcel Wengler Façon paysage
poème de Denise DesautelsJean-Christophe Rosaz Et si au-dessus des nuages
poème de Max AlhauJean-Luc Darbellay Au paysage d’une barque
poème de Jan BrabecMax E. Keller Snowflakean Thoughts
poème de James A. EmanuelFrançois Bousch Carte postale
poème de Anne BihanJean-Luc Darbellay Un jour encore
poème de Jean-Luc WauthierMarcel Dortort Les étoiles du firmament
poème de Jacques RancourtJean-Christophe Rosaz Frühling
poème de Eva-Maria BergJean-Marie Morel Blackbird
poème de Marie-Claire BancquartMarcel Wengler Clavecin des mésanges
poème de François HébertMax E. Keller Why
poème de Anthony Phelps
21 August 2010
European Conference of Promoters of New Music - ECPNM
General Assembly
The Genaral Assembly 2010 of ECPNM took place in the framework of the Festival Avantagrde Tirol, Austria
The ECPNM is the European union of organizations concerned with the promotion of contemporary music, especially music composed after 1950. Among its 80 members are famous festivals of contemporary music as well as small local concert organizers and new music ensembles. Its aim is to improve the international cooperation and the coordination of new music events in Europe.
The international exchange of ideas and experiences at meetings and symposiums. Symposiums where subjects connected with new music are dealt with, contribute to find new solutions on an international level without neglecting specific regional characteristics. In the framework of the annual General Assemblies symposiums are organised with themes such as ‘East meets West", "The future of new music festivals", "Audio Art", etc. The ECPNM is an Associate Member of the EFA - European festivals Association. Here joint meetings are organised in which the Ars Nova-working group discusses experiences in contemporary music, theatre and dance, and further cooperation and exchanges. The ECPNM is also a member of the European Music Council.
10 September 2010
Deadline for Entries: International Composition Prize 2010
Composers of any age or nationality are invited to submit new compositions for solo-violin and the ensemble Luxembourg Sinfonietta.
More information in English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish and Chinese
26 September 2010
Château de Vianden
Der Klang Chinas
Austauschkonzert der Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Fünf Meistersolisten des “China Broadcasting Traditional Orchestra” spielen einen bunten Querschnitt durch die traditionelle Musik ihrer Heimat. Die farbenfrohen Kostüme und der exotische Reiz der Instrumente führen das Publikum tief hinein ins Reich der Mitte. Zu hören sind Ensemblestücke sowie Soli der chinesischen Laute und der Yangqin, dem chinesischen Hackbrett. Die Werke sind inspiriert von der Natur wie “Pfau, der seine Federn spreizt” oder “Regentropfen auf Bananenblättern”. Bunte Tanzszenen vermitteln einen klingenden Eindruck vom Volksleben in den Regionen Chinas. Ein großes Frühlingsfest wird in Tönen nachgezeichnet, Melodien aus der Peking Oper erklingen in instrumentalen Arrangements, und auch an die große Geschichte Chinas gemahnen die Musiker.
Li Mei, Erhu (chinesische Geige)
Du Wenting, Pipa (chinesische Laute)
Sun Xin, Guzheng (chinesische Zither)
He Yuan, Sheng (chinesische Mundorgel)
Li Chunyong, Yangqin (chinesisches Hackbrett)
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Villa Musica Rheinland - Pfalz und dem Château de Vianden
Château de Vianden
Tel.: +352 84 92 91
29-31 October 2010
World Expo Shanghai 2010
Pavillon Luxembourgeois
à l’Exposition Universelle au Shanghai
Les solistes du Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Programme: Jacques Neuen Golden Lady Guo Long Memory of Luxembourg Luc Grethen Shanghai Shimmer Benoît Stasiaczyk Jam Marcel Wengler Shanghai Fun-Fair Johny Fritz Divertimento Pierre Even Fanfare Sino-Lux Xiao Hu Theme and Variation
2-6 November 2010
Shanghai New Music Week 2010
« (中文) 《2010当代音乐作品研讨会文集》启事
Program of “New Music from Luxembourg and China” »
Today’s Innovation, Tomorrow’s Tradition The 3rd New Music Week will move on even more vigorously with “Born of the Tradition, Ahead of the Future” as its theme and slogan. Its one of the most striking features is the concert portraits within the five days for six maestro composers, György Ligety (Hungary), Tristan Murail (France), Stockhausen (Germany), Toshio Hosokawa (Japan), Xu Shuya (China), Jia Daqun (China). All their works are given the first performance in China. Perhaps even more thrilling is that three of the six maestros, Tristan Murail, Xu Shuya, Jia Daqun, are to come in person and comment on the Concert for the International Students’ Works for the student composers and the audience. The Workshop on Chinese and Foreign Contemporary Music Symposium for the 3rd New Music Week 2010 offers a forum for composers and musicologists to express themselves freely and the publication of these papers embodies in miniature of this achievement. Thanks to the accomplishment presentation by these internal and foreign performers without considering their personal gain, the support from leaders and the cooperation among different departments and offices of SCM at all levels, the funding from domestic and overseas foundations, especially “Hu Jingmin New Music Fund”, New Music Week can get where it is today and it can’t make any bricks without straw otherwise since contemporary music is so fragile and vulnerable in the musical world.WEN Deqing Artistic Director
2 November 2010
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Chamber Concert Hall 15.15
New Music from Luxembourg and China
First Chinese performances by Luxembourg Composers
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Programme : Deqing Wen Quatuor à Cordes No 1 René Hemmer Kryptos Jeannot Heinen Recherches Marcel Wengler Tableaux (world première)
2 November 2010
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
He Luting Concert Hall 19.15
Dialogue between Tradition and Modern Trend
3 Chinese Traditional Ensembles
Les Temps Modernes
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Programme : Xu Shuya Dawn On Steppe for voice and ensembles
3 November 2010
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
He Luting Concert Hall 19.15
Concert Portrait of Xu Shuya
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
New Ensemble of Shanghai Conservatory
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Programme: SAN - for ensemble In Nominé II - for Sheng and string quartet Vacuité / Consistance - for Pipa, Zheng and ensemble L’âme de Lamu - for soprano and ensemble Infinite - for ensemble
6 November 2010
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
He Luting Concert Hall 19.15
Closing Concert
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
New Ensemble of Shanghai Conservatory
Programme: Works by Jia Daqun String quartet Rondo - for clarinet and piano The Prospect of Colored Desert - for ensemble The Butterfly Dream
seven scenes opera inspired by Kun Opera
Shanghai and Taiwan Kun Opera
The Contemporary Legend Theatre
1 December 2010
New release DVD 104
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2009
World Première RecordingsLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Pui-shan Cheung Chi’en III Miguel Farias Acier Takahiro Sakuma Against the Current Zhenzhen Zhang Xiang
Conductor: Marcel Wengler Editions LGNM No 104
Prix 15.- € (envoi inclus)
Events Calendar 2011
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2010
Prize Winner The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has announced its 9th International Composition Prize for the year 2010. Composers were invited to submit a concert piece for violin and the ensemble Luxembourg Sinfonietta. The international jury consisting of François Bousch (France), Theo Brandmüller (Germany), Cord Meijering (The Netherlands), Peter Swinnen (Belgium) and Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg) decided to award three prizes as follows:
1. Prize Hanbiel Choi (Korea) 2. Prize Pierre-Alain Braye-Weppe (France) 3. Prize Karl Fiorini (Malta) Composers from 41 countries participated in the International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2010: Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzogowina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Domenican Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Cyprus, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Syria, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela.
Hanbiel Choi P.-A. Braye-Weppe Karl Fiorini
20 - 25 January 2011
MIDEM 2011 – Cannes IAMIC Winter Meeting
11 February 2011
Conservatoire de Musique - Luxembourg
Musique Italienne
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Carlo Hartmann baryton
Oeuvres de Claudio Monteverdi, Antonio Vivaldi, Gioacchino Rossini et Giacomo Puccini
Musiques de films de Nino Rota et Ennio Morricone
Supported by IBM
Tel.: +352 47 08 951 (lundi vendredi 10.00 18.30 h)
9 March 2011
Philharmonie Luxembourg Espace Découverte
“Concert Portraits”
Roland Wiltgen & Johny Fritz
Les solistes du Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Johny Fritz
Quatuor pour flûte, clarinette, violoncelle et piano
Magic Tale pour violon solo
Trois tableaux pour piano
Quatuor à cordes
Roland Wiltgen
Wormholes pour clarinette, violoncelle et piano
Cap Horn et au delà pour cor et piano
Quatuor à cordes (création)
Backstage: 19:45
Publikumsgespräch mit Roland Wiltgen und Johny Fritz
Johny Fritz Roland Wiltgen
Reservation: Philharmonie
Tel.: +352 26 32 26 32
13 - 15 May 2011
10ème anniversaire du CEFEDEM de Lorraine
en partenariat avec «Metz en Scène»
Pour fêter son anniversaire, le Cefedem de Lorraine (Centre de Formation Supérieur des Enseignants de la Danse et de la Musique) vous offre, avec la complicité de Metz en Scène, un bouquet d'œuvres à découvrir au fil de concerts représentant de nombreux courants de la création d'aujourd'hui. Pour compléter ce panorama, une journée de réflexion se déroulera sous la forme d'un colloque sur la relation entre «création» et «formation».
vendredi 13, samedi 14 et dimanche 15 mai 2011 à l'Arsenal de Metz
Concerts: Salle de l'Esplanade - Colloque: Orangerie
15 May 2011
Arsenal – Metz en Scène – Salle de l'Esplanade
Concert – Matinée
à l'occasion du 10ème anniversaire du CEFEDEM de Lorraine
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Soliste: Nathalie Pierson soprano
Programme: Marcel Wengler Tableaux Michel Decoust A l’orée des ajours Jean-Luc Darbellay Jardins d’Orphée Richard Tsang Temple Rituals Toger Tessier Réminiscences François Bousch Graoully
Nathalie Pierson, Soprano
27 May – 18 June 2011
34e Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie – Paris «Poésie et Musique»
Depuis une première collaboration avec l'IRCAM en 1987, le Festival franco-anglais de poésie dirigé par Jacques Rancourt invite chaque année des compositeurs à créer des œuvres à partir de textes de poètes contemporains.
C'est l'objet de ce numéro de "la Traductière" que d'explorer, à travers des poèmes et des analyses, les rapports entre la poésie et la diversité des discours humains, de scruter le sens et l'intérêt de leur odyssée commune. Pour ce faire, ont été mis à contribution une quarantaine de poètes de tous les continents, auxquels se sont joints des artistes donnant écho à des œuvres choisies parmi l'histoire mondiale.
Pour cette nouvelle édition, nous retrouvons des poèmes écrits sur le thème " Les champs de la parole " pour la revue "la Traductière", et des musiciens réunis par le directeur musical de ce Festival, le compositeur suisse Jean-Luc Darbellay.
18 June 2011
Auditorium Saint – Germain - Paris
Noelle-Anne Darbellay violon et voix
Mamiko Miura piccolo
Marc Sieffert saxophone
Elisabeth Darbellay cor de basset
Christine Marchais piano
Jean-Luc Darbellay récitant
Damien Top ténor et récitantProgramme:
Création mondiale d'œuvres écrites à partir de poèmes de la «Traductière» sur le thème «Les champs de la parole / The Fields of the Word» par des compositeurs de Suisse, France, Luxembourg et Canada.
Programme: en création mondiale Jean-Christophe Rosaz Sephardic Orange Cake
poème de Anna CroweFrançois Bousch Le colis est bien parvenu à destination
poème de Gerty DamburyJean-Luc Darbellay Soliloquaubordunlac
poème de Claude HeldJean Marie Morel Boo Magic
poème de James A. EmanuelMarcel Wengler Promotion
poème de Jacques RancourtMax E. Keller Shopping List
poème de Barry WallensteinJean-Luc Darbellay Note sur le temps personnel et cosmique
poème de Gabrielle AlthenJean-Marie Morel Ecrire un Poème
poème de Max AlhauJean-Christophe Rosaz Intrus
poème de Anne BihanMartial Robert Révolutions
poème de Antoine BoisclairFrançois Bousch Confession
poème de Brigitte GyrMax E. Keller Pour aller Mieux
poème de Jean MiniacJean-Luc Darbellay Voice of Mr. Temple
poème de Shizu OgawaMarcel Wengler St-stamming, St-stuttering
poème de Yi ShaEric Champagne Affaire classée
poème de Jean-Luc Wauthier
3 July 2011
Centre culturel opderschmelz
Anniversaire Gustav Mahler Sous le Haut Patronage de Monsieur Vit Korselt,
Ambassadeur de la République tchèque au
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Lars Grünwoldt baryton![]()
Programme: Jos Kinzé Kleine Lustspiel-Ouverture Erik Satie Gymnopédie No 1 Sylvie Bodorová Kafkas Träume
- Angst
- Kinder auf der Landstraße
- Wunsch
- UnglücklichseinRoland Wiltgen Mèden agan
first-performanceGustav Mahler Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Rückert
- Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder
- Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft
- Um Mitternacht
- Liebst du um Schönheit
- Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
orchestration by Marcel WenglerLuc Rollinger Ogun & Oshun Erik Satie Gymnopédie No 2 Franz Schubert Winterreise:
Gute NachtGustav Mahler Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
- Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
- Ging heut’ morgen übers Feld
- Ich hab ein glühend Messer
- Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
orchestration by Marcel Wengler
Sylvie Bodorová
Reservation: opderschmelz Renseignement billetterie
Tel.: +352 51 61 21 811
21-24 September 2011
IAMIC Annual Conference in Poland
Warsaw / Radziejowice
Annual Meeting and General Assembly
Conference «Music and Politics»
held in presence of Ivo Josipovic, the President of Croatia
Closing Concert
International Festival "Warsaw Autumn"
The IAMIC Annual Meeting Warsaw 2011 takes place in the period of Poland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Hence the topic of the Conference - “Music and Politics” – which ought to fit well into the calendar of important events marking the Presidency. We would like to discuss the mutual relations between those two spheres of social life, their connections and interrelationships, the expectations of the musical world towards politicians and the place of music in politicians’ awareness and plans. Patronage over the conference has been assumed by Mr Bogdan Zdrojewski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
For the Conference we have invited such personages as Ivo Josipovic – the President of Croatia as well as a composer, former Secretary General of the Croatian Composers’ Union and the director of the “Biennale Zagreb” Festival of Contemporary Music; Hugo De Greef – advisor on international cultural policy to the Minister of Culture of Flanders as well as the famous “political” composer Frederic Rzewski. At the Conference we hope for comments on the philosophical level but also for remarks on the day-to-day reality.
A concert of compositions by the President Ivo Josipovic under the same title “Music and Politics” will be held in his presence at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.Mieczyslaw Kominek
Director of the Polish Music Information
9 October 2011
Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck
Final Concert
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2010 Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Violin-soloists: Cornelia Gudea, Rita Nagy, Jehanne StrepenneReservation: Centre des Arts Pluriels e-mail: 1. Prize: Hanbiel Choi (Korea)
Programme: Karl Fiorini Nachtszenen
Jehanne Strepenne, violin-soloPierre-Alain Braye-Weppe Concerto pour violon, vents et percussions
Cornelia Guudea, violin-soloHanbiel Choi Der lebende Wald
Rita Nagy, violin-solo
2. Prize: Pierre-Alain Braye-Weppe (France)
3. Prize: Karl Fiorini (Malta)
Hanbiel Choi was born in Seoul in 1982. She began to study composition in 2001 at the Yonsei University with Professor Chanhae Lee. Hanbiel Choi gratuated from the Yonsei University with a Bachelor of Music in composition in 2006. In the same year she won the „38th Seoul Composition Competition“ for her work „Polyphony“. As part of the Festival „World Music Days Hong Kong“ in 2007 she has been awarded the First Prize in the „Asian Composer’s League – ISCM Young Composer’s Award“ for her piece „Arcana“. In 2009 Hanbiel Choi studied wih Professor Sidney Corbett at the „Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst“ in Mannheim and she is currently pursuing her composition studies with Professor Hanspeter Kyburz at the „Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler“ in Berlin / Germany. After studying composition with Stéphane Delplace, Pierre-Alain Braye-Weppe has worked with Jean-François Zygel, Olivier Trachier, Thierry Escaich, Christian Accaoui and Marc-André Dalbavie at the „Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique” of Paris where he won the first Prize in five categories: Harmony, Renaissance Polyphony, Fugue, Musical Esthetic and Orchestration. As a graduate from the Conservatory of Music of Paris in 2005, he was awarded a „Diplôme de Formation Supérieure en Écriture musicale” with First Class. Pierre-Alain Braye-Weppe is the winner of the „VIème Concours Européen de Composition du Festival des Cathédrales de Picardie“ (first prize) and of the „I Concurs Internacional de Composició Ireneu Segarra“ (finalist). His orchestral, instrumental and vocal works are played in Germany, in Great Britain, in Lithuania and in France. He teaches continuo, improvisation and composition at the „Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental de la Vallée de Chevreuse” in France, and, since September 2010, he has been also working as the art director of the music conservatory of „Montereau Fault-Yonne“ (“Conservatoire Gaston Litaize”) in France.
Karl Fiorini (born in 1979) made his first contact with music in his native country, Malta, before going to London to study at the „Guildhall School of Music” and the „Royal College of Music”. Karl Fiorini’s compositions have been performed in major European cities, in the US, Japan and Latin America. Some of his works were featured in festivals such as the „Europamusicale Festival“ (2004), „The Compositors“ in Barcelona; Spain (2005), „The XII Edition of the Biennial Youth Festival“, Naples; Italy (2005), „The Tres Cantos Festival“, Spain (2006) and the „Time of Music Festival“, Finland (2007). Karl Fiorini is the artistic director of the „International Spring Orchestra Festival“, an annual event taking place in Malta and composer in residence of the „Orquestra do Norte“, Portugal. Future engagements for the next season include the world premiere of his second violin concerto with the „Thailand Philharmonic“ in Bangkok, a recording of his violin and orchestra music with the „Filharmonica Sudecka“, and a new commission for the „European Contemporary Orchestra“ in Marseille.
Photo: Armand Wagner
18 October – 18 November 2011
The 13th China Shanghai International Arts Festival
Participation in the «The 13th China Shanghai International Arts Festival» and representation of the ensemble Luxembourg Sinfonietta at the «China Shanghai Performing Arts Fair». China Shanghai International Arts Festival is an annual, state-level international arts festival hosted by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and organized by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. Since 1999, the Festival has been committed to showcasing the best classic and innovative arts productions in the world, which has made the festival one of the most prominent in the international arts arena, as well as an influential cultural exchange platform.
Meanwhile, by staging a variety of colourful public cultural activities the Shanghai International Arts Festival will broaden the public’s participation in the arts while serving as platform for the exchange and communication between Chinese and foreign artists and the public.
Over the years, professionals of the mainstream cultural institutions, festivals, performing agencies, performing groups and institutions from over 100 countries and regions an all domestic provinces have attended the China Shanghai International Arts Festival. This year the relevant institutions of more than 30 countries and regions including Canada, USA, Germany, Britain, Czech Republic, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Nigeria, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Portugal, France, Bulgaria and South Africa will come and join us in this event.
6 November 2011
Mudam - Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
René Mertzig – 100 th Anniversary Hans Werner Henze 85 th Anniversary
Minguet Quartett Ulrich Isfort violin
Annette Reisinger violin
Aroa Sorin viola
Matthias Diener violoncello
Hans Werner Henze 2. Streichquartett René Mertzig Quatuor à cordes György Ligeti 1. Streichquartett
„Métamorphoses nocturnes“Wolfgang Rihm 11. Streichquartett
Das Minguet Quartett wurde 1988 gegründet und zählt zu den international gefragtesten Streichquartetten der jüngeren Generation. Es gastiert in den großen Konzertsälen Europas wie der Londoner Wigmore Hall, der Kölner und Berliner Philharmonie, dem Auditorio Madrid und Palau Barcelona, der Alten Oper Frankfurt, dem Wiener Konzerthaus und dem Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Renommierte Festivals schließen sich an: Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Schwetzinger Festspiele, Kissinger Sommer, Musikfest Bremen, Bergen International Festival, Festival du Saintes, Musica d’Hoy Madrid, Festival d´Automne Paris, Edinburgh Festival, Berliner Festspiele, Salzburger Festspiele. Konzertreisen innerhalb Europas sowie nach Israel, Japan, China, Zentral- und Südostasien, Nordafrika und in die USA. Das Ensemble konzentriert sich auf die klassisch-romantische Literatur und die Musik der Moderne gleichermaßen und engagiert sich durch zahlreiche Uraufführungen für Kompositionen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Begegnungen mit bedeutenden Komponisten unserer Zeit inspirieren die vier Musiker zu immer neuen Programmideen. Die erstmalige Gesamtaufnahme der Streichquartette von Wolfgang Rihm und Peter Ruzicka sowie die integrale Aufführung der Quartette von Jörg Widmann zählen zu den bedeutendsten Projekten.
Für die Gesamteinspielung sämtlicher Werke für Streichquartett von Peter Ruzicka wurde das Minguet Quartett mit dem ECHO KLASSIK 2010 ausgezeichnet.
Events Calendar 2012
New releaseLuxembourg Sinfonietta - DVD 105
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2010
Violin ConcertosWorld Première Recordings
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Hanbiel Choi Der lebende Wald Pierre-Alain Braye-Weppe Concerto pour violon Karl Fiorini Nachtszenen
Soloists: Rita Nagy, Cornelia Gudea, Jehanne Strepenne violin
Conductor: Marcel WenglerEditions LGNM No 105
Prix 15.- € (envoi inclus)
15 January 2012
Luxembourg International Composition Prize
Deadline for Entries: 15 September 2012
The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music announces its
10th International Composition Prize for 2013 in cooperation with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.Composers of any age or nationality are invited to present new works for an orchestra consisting of seven traditional Chinese instruments and seven classical western instruments.
Information in
English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese
10 February 2012
Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
Musique Russe
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Irina Prodan soprano
Sarah Briganti pianoProgramme:
Sergej Rachmaninoff - Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky
Nikolaj Rimskij Korsakow - Igor Stravinsky
Serge Prokofieff - Dimitri Chostakovitchchansons populaires russes
musiques de films
airs d’opéras
Irina Prodan
Sarah BrigantiSupported by IBM
Tel.: +352 47 08 951 (lundi – vendredi 10.00 – 18.30 h)
10 March 2012
Conservatoire de Musique de la Ville de Luxembourg
Concert Walter Civitareale
Walter Civitareale piano
Patrick Krysatis tuba
Charles Consbruck trumpet
Paul Mootz percussionLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Direction: Marcel Wengler
Walter Civitareale
Suite pour piano
Sketches pour tuba et piano
Via Crucis pour trompette, percussion et piano
Konzert-Elegie pour piano et 12 instruments (création mondiale)Avec le soutien de SACEM-Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 47 08 951
Réservation: 20.00
20 March 2012
Conservatoire de Musique de la Ville de Luxembourg
Diriger et composer
Conférence donnée par Yan Hui-chang
Directeur artistique et chef titulaire du
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Marcel Wengler - Marc Meyers
Yan Hiu-chang - Ambassadeur Zeng Xianqi - Zhang Hao-fu
En collaboration avec le Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg, le Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles et le Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris
Information: 18.30
10 – 17 June 2012
35e Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie – Paris
Both the Festival franco-anglais and its partner publication are now officially thirty years old. Thirty years, Jacques Rancourt recalls, ‘of exploration of contemporary poetry in French and English, of translation between the two languages and still further expansion into other languages and cultures; thirty years of collaboration with artists; and finally thirty years of reflection on the interwoven themes of society, poetry and translation’.
Like Paris, Singapore’s history is marked by cultural interchange—and here the similarities probably end, although it must be said both share the index of capitalism. As city-state, Singapore is geographically small, though it’s cultural and other complexities are quite out of proportion to its size. In the twenty-first century this seems to represent an exciting, rather than daunting, challenge for poets. While each festival poet writes about his or her own life out of a vision formed from within specific geographical and cultural parameters, tapping the resonances of the various cultural strands that weave the fabric of a national identity—still in-the-making—there is a strong impression of poets striving beyond national boundaries into the cultures of Southeast Asia and the world at large. Reading their work in an advance copy of La Traductière No.30, and in the print release of the Marché de la Poésie, I was struck by the sense of an extended scale of culture within Singapore, and its active cultural forms — by which I mean poetry, dance and the visual arts, forms that are partly traditional, but also international and global.
Music wafts around the corner from the Place St Sulpice, which reminds me that this is not only a poetry occasion, but a choreographed interdisciplinary event. Yesterday there was a musical evening at the Theatre de Nesle in which words, voices and musical instruments swelled to what rang like an international language.
Dominique Hecq: Associate Professor (Writing) at Swinburne
University of Technology
13 June 2012
Paris – Théâtre de Nesle
Soirée Poésie et MusiqueInterprètes
Anne Le Coutour mezzo-soprano et récitante
Elisabeth Darbellay cor de basset
Marc Sieffert saxophone
Christine Marchais piano
Asdrubal Bandeira saxophone
Altamiro Rocha saxophoneConcert dans le cadre du
Création mondiale d’œuvres musicales composée à partir de poèmes sur le thème « Le lecteur de poésie » parus dans la Traductière No 30 par des compositeurs de Suisse, Luxembourg et France.
Festival franco-anglais de poésie
crée en 1976
Directeur: Jacques Rancourt
Programme: en création mondiale François Bousch La poésie immanente comme Dieu
poème de KTK IqbalJean-Luc Darbellay Tel Eurydice…
poème d'Evelyne Morin
Voyageur d'encre
poème de Cécile OumhaniMarcel Dortort Ce qui se lit
poème de Claudine BohiMax E. Keller Will it matter…
poème de Heng Siok TianJean-Marie Morel On lit un poème
poème de Max Alhau
Lecteur de poésie
poème de Jacques RancourtJean-Christophe Rosaz From Beneath the Skin
poème d'Edwin Thumboo
Quand l'inspiration capture un poète
poème de Chow TeckMarcel Wengler Au printemps, un snack-bar
poème de Zou Lu
15 September 2012
Deadline for Entries: 10th International Composition Prize
The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has announced its 10th International Composition Prize for the Luxembourg Sinfonietta in cooperation with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.
Composers of any age or nationality are invited to submit new compositions for an orchestra consisting of seven traditional Chinese instruments and seven classical western instruments.
More information in English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish and Chinese
25 October –
4 November 2012
ISCM World New Music Days 2012 Belgium
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary MusicThe ISCM World Music Days 2012 are an international festival of contemporary music organized each year in a different country by one of the sections of ISCM (the International Society for Contemporary Music). As a network organisation, the ISCM aims to support and promote the creation, presentation and promotion of every aspect of contemporary music.
The ISCM World Music Days 2012 won’t concentrate on one city but it is a travelling festival, spread over ten days, visiting six cities: Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, Leuven and Mons.
Complete Festival Programme:
4 November 2012
10th International Composition Prize Luxembourg
Four finalists nominated
The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music in cooperation with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra has invited composers from all over the world to present new works for its International Composition Prize.
The international jury consisting of
Yan Hui-chang (Hong Kong)
Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraChan Wing-wah (Hong Kong)
Chairman, The Composers & Authors Society of Hong KongJoshua Chan (Hong Kong)
Associate Professor, Department of Music, University of Hong KongChew Hee-chiat (Malaysia)
Resident Conductor of the Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraZhang Hao-fu (China)
Composer, Professor at the „Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles“André Laporte (Belgium)
Composer and former Artistic Director of the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra BrusselsTheo Brandmüller (Germany)
Composer and Professor at the „Hochschule für Musik des Saarlandes“Cord Meijering (The Netherlands)
Composer and Director of the „Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt“Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg)
Composer, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Luxembourg Sinfoniettahas chosen four works to be premiered in the final concert of the
10th International Composition Prize Luxembourg.The selected compositions will be performed on January 11th, 2013 in a public concert at the Hong Kong Poly University – Jockey Club Auditorium in Hong Kong by the joint orchestra of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the Luxembourg Sinfonietta: dizi, sheng, erhu, guzheng, pipa, sanxian, Chinese percussion, clarinet, bass clarinet, horn, tuba, cello, piano and western percussion, Marcel Wengler conducting.
Nomination of the four finalists:
(in alphabetical order)
Dic-lun Fung (Hong Kong)
Naoko Kachi (Japan)
Chun-Wei Lee (Taiwan)
Zhiliang Zhang (China)Neuf Images Du Monde Flottant
Crossover the world
The Music Of Paintings
Sonar Image
Dic-lun Fung Naoko Kachi Chun-Wei Lee Zhiliang Zhang Composers from 33 countries participated in the 10th International Composition Prize: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan and the USA.
23 November 2012
Conservatoire de Musique de la Ville de Luxembourg
Célébration du 40e anniversaire des relations diplomatiques entre la Chine et le Luxembourg
et à l'occasion du 40e anniversaire de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques entre le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et la République populaire de Chine
Peng-Peng Gong piano
Ernie Hammes trumpetMusique Militaire Grand-Ducale
Direction: Lieutenant Jean-Claude Braun
Chef de la Musique Militaire Grand-Ducale
Chen Qian Come, Drink one More Cup of Wine Xian Xinghai Yellow River Piano Concerto Chen Qian Ambush «Return with Honor» Chen Qian Kabayer Trumpet Concerto Xiao Hu Capriccio of Kang-ding Love song «Les Amis de la Musique Militaire»
en collaboration avec
«Amitié Luxembourg-Chine»
la Ville de Luxembourg
«Lëtzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek» - LGNMSponsored by Huawei
Tel.: +352 47 08 95 1 20:00
20 December 2012
World première recordings
CD Portrait Jeannot Heinen No 532
Jeannot Heinen’s 75th Anniversary
The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has released the CD Portrait Jeannot Heinen dedicated to his works for chamber music.Recherches
Oktett für Klarinette, Horn, Fagott, 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontrabaß
Orquesta De Cámera De Zaragoza
Leitung: Marcel Wengler4 Miniatures pour violon et piano
Dora Entcheva, Violine
Walter Civitareale, Klavier5 Caprices Luxembourgeois
für Violine
Solistin: Dora EntchevaAspekte über den ‚Minutenwalzer‘ von Frédéric Chopin
für Klavier
Solistin: Radka ChomakovaImpressions sur la procession dansante d‘Echternach
pour deux violons
Dora Entcheva, Violine
Peter Entchev, ViolineTrio für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier
Marie-Denise Heinen, Violine
Fridolin Reiner, Violoncello
Alexander Raytchev, KlavierAllégories de violettes
Editions LGNM No 532
für viola solo
Fassung mit 3 bogengestrichenen Gläsern
Elica Dashova, Viola
Otto Jägersberg und Jeannot Heinen
(an den Gläsern)
Price 20.- €
New release
World première recordings
CD Portrait Marcel Wengler No 542
World Première recordings by Marcel Wengler
Violin Concerto
Soloist: Philippe Koch, violin
Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg
Conductor: Marcel WenglerThe Visions of James Ensor
Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg
Conductor: Bramwell ToveyFlute Concerto
Editions LGNM No 542
Soloist: Etienne Plasman, flute
Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Price 20.- €
Events Calendar 2013
8 January 2013Hong Kong Cultural Centre Conference held by Marcel Wengler “The Dialogue between modern and traditional Chinese Music” ![]()
11 January 2013Hong Kong
Auditorium of the
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Bridging the East-West and traditional-modern musical divide
It has long been the mission of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra to promote Chinese music to every part of the world. In the up-coming season, it will join hands with the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music to hold the 10th International Composition Prize for the year 2013. Composers are invited to compose using fourteen types of musical instruments from both Chinese and Western music. The works of the finalists and the winners will be performed by the joint orchestra of the HKCO and the Luxembourg Sinfonietta. This is going to be a landmark in East-West music whereby instruments of the two genres can be brought seamlessly together in a musical work.Final Concert
International Composition Prize 2013Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Conducted by Yan Hui-chang and Marcel WenglerComposers challenged to bridge cultural gap
Programme: Dic-lun Fung Neuf Images Du Monde Flottant
first-performanceNaoko Kachi Crossover the world
first-performanceChun-Wei Lee The Music of Paintings
first-performanceZhang Zhiliang Sonar Image
first-performanceMarcel Wengler In the Year of the Dragon
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
World PremiereDoming Lam Calm Hong Kong will host a world music composition competition with a difference – all entries, written for a chamber ensemble, must feature Western and Chinese instruments.
Co-presented by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the Luxembourg Sinfonietta, the International Composition Prize 2013 is inviting composers from around the world to compose a piece that will “bridge the east-west and traditional-modern musical divide”. The deadline for submissions is September 15. All entrants are required to compose a work of 10 to 12 minutes that use seven Chinese and seven Western instruments to depict nine pictures in a designated sequence, says Marcel Wengler, founder of the decade-old annual competition. He says this requirement will pose a real challenge to the contestants.
“We had 105 applications in 2008 when we designated sheng or the Chinese mouth-organ, as the required solo instrument in new compositions for the orchestra. But I would expect fewer entries this year given the difficulty in mastering not one but seven Chinese instruments,” said Wengler, who is also the Luxembourg Sinfonietta´s artistic director.Yan Huichang, artistic director of the Chinese Orchestra, says the Chinese instruments were selected on the basis of their distinctive character. The instruments are the sheng, dizi (bamboo flute), erhu (two-string fiddle), guzheng (zither), pipa (lute), sanxian (three-string fretless lute) and a set of Chinese percussion.
To help the contest, Yan visited Paris, Brussels and Luxembourg in March to give lectures on Chinese music. Joshua Chan, chairman of the Hong Kong Composers´ Guild and a juror for the International Composition prize, says the upcoming contest “signifies the international recognition of Chinese music”.
The other jurors on the panel include top mainland composer Guo Wenjing, who will adjudicate works by the four finalists in Hong Kong on January 11.Oliver Chou
South China Morning Post
August 2012Result:
1. Prize: Chun-Wei Lee (Taiwan)
(sponsored by Fondation Indépendance,
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg)2. Prize: Zhang Zhiliang (China)
(sponsored by Sacem-Luxembourg)3. Prize: Naoko Kachi (Japan)
(sponsored by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra)4. Prize: Dic-lun Fung (Hong Kong)
(sponsored by the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture)The Orchestra Prize and the Special Prize by the audience for “The Most Popular Piece” were awarded to Naoko Kachi.
Chun-Wei Lee was born in 1990 in Changhua, Taiwan. He graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts where he studied composition under Professor Chen Nan-chang, and is now studying at the National Taiwan Normal University under Professor Chao Ching-wen. In addition to composition, he has also trained in percussion, piano, oboe, organ, erhu, pipa and guqin. He was with the “Thai Piphat Ensemble” when it appeared in a traditional arts festival held in Italy. His eclectic instrumental background is often evident in his music, which combines traditional music with various instruments. His work “Yi Chang Kong” was a prize-winner in the 2011 TMC International Composition Competition, in the category of chamber music composition. In 2012, he attended an International Music Camp where he received coaching from composers Chong Kee-Yong, Chen Xiaoyong and Pan Hwang-Long, and performed with the Chai Found Music Workshop. Zhang Zhiliang is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Fine Arts in the Department of Composition at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, under the supervision of Professor Hu Xiao. His field of research is composition and theories of compositional techniques in contemporary music. His works – for solo, chamber and symphony orchestra – are eclectic both in terms of subject matter and in form. Many of them have won awards in China and in international competitions, and have been performed in Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing and Wuhan in China, and in the USA, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria and New Zealand. In his compositional efforts, he attempts to establish a stringent, refined style by drawing on his indigenous music culture but shaking off the ethnic and geographical semiotic elements, integrating his music with the idioms of contemporary music, and displaying the nuances and cultural contexts with a logical unfolding. Naoko Kachi graduated from the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music in 1990 with a Master of Arts degree, and was selected for the 4th Creation Concert of Kyoto Philharmonic Orchestra. She furthered her studies at the Toho Gakuen School of Music in 1998. She received honourable mention in the 22nd Performing Arts Prize of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2000, and was invited to participate in the ISCM World Music Days Yokohama 2001. She has taught variously at many institutes, including the International Seminar of Rhythmic in Japan under the auspices of the Nagoya School of Music, the Carnegie Mellon University, the Dalcroze Training Center, the Aichi Prefectural University of the Fine Arts and Music, and the Nagoya HAL Computer School. In 2002 she was nominated for the 12th Competition of Akutagawa Award for Music Composition, and in 2006 was a prize-winner of the 16th Competition for Japanese Songs. In 2007, she was invited to participate in the Asia Pacific Festival in Wellington, New Zealand and the Beijing International Congress on Women in Music in 2008. She was a winner of the 3rd prize of the 9th TIAA Competition for Japanese composers in 2010. She is currently a member of the Japan Federation of Composers (JFC) and the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC). Dic-lun Fung is currently studying Music Composition under the supervision of Dr. Chan Hing-yan at the University of Hong Kong, where he received his Bachelor of Music degree with first class honours. His works have been performed in both international and local concerts, such as “After Gesualdo”, “A Musical Celebration”: “Music Department’s 30th Anniversary Celebration Concert (Hong Kong, 2012), “Mass Participatory Musicking Gala (Hong Kong 2011), ISCM World Music Days (Zagreb 2011), “Musicarama” (Hong Kong 2010) and “International Gaudeamus Music Week” (Amsterdam 2010), also in Germany, South Korea and Indonesia. In 2011, he won an Honourable Mention award in the “Migratory Journeys” International Composition Competition and 3rd prize in the 9th Italy Percussion Competition for Composition. He has been commissioned by the South Korea National Gugak Center and the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, and his works have been performed by the “guanzi” virtuoso, Guo Yazhi, the Four Gig Heads Percussion Group, Ensemble Gending, HRT Tamburitza Orchestra, Atlas Ensemble, International Ensemble Modern Academy and Hong Kong New Music Ensemble.
1 February 2013Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
Dans le cadre du 30e anniversaire de la "Letzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek "
In the Year of the Dragon
Sounds and Visuals – A Slide Show of Chinese Landscapes
Diaporama – La Chine en son et imageLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Solistes du Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Direction: Yan Hui-chang
Programme: Nie Er (arrangement) Wild Dance of the Golden Snakes Yan Laolie
(arrangement by Li Ka-wa)Thunder in a Drought Qin Pengzhang - Luo Zhongrong Moonlight over Spring River Gu Guanren Music from Peking Opera Ren Guang
(arrangement by Law Wai-lun)Beautiful Clouds Chasing the Moon Richard Tsang Ling-Kai Huang Haihuai
(arrangement by Qu Chunquan)The Horse Race Roland Wiltgen Voyage to Calicut
first-performanceMarcel Wengler In the Year of the Dragon
Yan Hui-chang was conferred the title of National Class One Conductor at the First Professional Appraisal of China in 1987. He joins the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in 1997. Yan was awarded the “Cultural Medallion Music” by the National Arts Council of Singapore in 2001.
After graduating from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1983, Yan was appointed Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of the Chinese National Orchestra of China. As a conductor who has worked with all professional Chinese orchestras in Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, Yan has won the acclaim of the music circles in China and abroad for his artistic and conducting talents. Apart from conducting on the concert stage, Yan is also actively engaged in composition and has won numerous awards. His representative works include the symphonic poem The Sound of Water, Nostalgia for pipa solo, Buddhist music The Weiyang Sect, Qing Lian Yu Yue (‘Cyan Lotus under the Moon’) and Chuan Deng Xu Ming (‘The Passing of the Light’).In recent years, Yan has been appointed guest or visiting professor by several music institutions, a position that allows him to promote Chinese music for the continuation of its heritage. He has given lectures and talks at the Central Conservatory of Music, The Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Shenyang Conservatory of Music and Xi’an Conservatory of Music in China, and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in Hong Kong. He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, with an appointment as Visiting Scholar of its School of Music, where he gave master classes in conducting and established Master’s degree courses in Chinese music conducting. In 2010, Yan initiated the world’s first ever ‘International Conduction Competition for Chinese Music’, and won the enthusiastic support of professional music conservatories in China and overseas.
Supported by IBM
24 March - 1 April 2013Concert tour of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta in China
In 2007 the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has launched the project:
“Europe meets China” – Musical crossover through joint creation
Europe emerges through encounters. Only if we meet our partners can we have a genuine dialogue and come to understand them. Our project brings together musicians and institutions from European countries and musicians, composers and ensembles from various universities and conservatories throughout China.
We intend to intensively pursue and deepen a cultural and artistic dialogue that has been under way between the individual partners for several years now, and to include institutions in China.
The programme comprises concerts and other events in China and Europe, at which new works will be performed that have been composed and rehearsed in collaboration between the partners.In this context and in the framework of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the People`s Republic of China, the Luxembourg Sinfonietta has given performances of Chinese and Luxembourg music at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Chengdu.
“Music is a language”. I will never forget this statement by my first music teacher.
Indeed it is. Music has become a language spoken between Luxembourg and Chinese artists. Luxembourg Sinfonietta led by Mr. Marcel Wengler and his Chinese colleagues at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music demonstrate this in a most successful matter. Developing people to people contacts is one of the key activities to further exchanges and understanding between our two countries and cultures. Throughout their long term cooperation both partners have contributed to a better mutual understanding and created music which stirs emotions in our respective cultures. I am very honoured to support this joint endeavour and I look forward to enjoy the concerts in Chengdu.Carlo Krieger, Ambassador of Luxembourg to China
28 March 2013Sichuan Conservatory of Music - Chengdu
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Programme: Camille Kerger Zur Stille gewandt Zhang Zhiliang Fireworks II – world-première Johny Fritz Magic Tale
Cornelia Gudea, solo violinYang Shouzhu For bass clarinet and string quartet – world-première Jeannot Heinen Miniatures pour violon et piano Dave Maric Predicaments for piano and percussion Marcel Wengler Hundert Takte Walzer
Sarah Briganti, pianoHu Xiao Imaginary Ancientry – world-première Karl Fiorini Nachtszenen for violin and ensemble
Jehanne Strepenne, solo violinGuo Long Poem for Sinfonietta – world-première Jacques Neuen Final curtain – world-première
29 March 2013Sichuan Conservatory of Music - Chengdu
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Li Hong soprano
Hao Chen baritone
2 – 14 June 201336e Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie – Paris
8 June 2013Paris – « 59 Rivoli »
Soirée Poésie et MusiqueConcert dans le cadre du
Création mondiale d’œuvres musicales composée à partir de poèmes sur le thème « Poèmes que nous sommes / Our Selves as Poems» parus dans la Traductière No 31 sous la direction du compositeur Jean-Luc Darbellay et en collaboration avec l’ensemble « Spirale » de Rouen.
Festival franco-anglais de poésie
crée en 1976
Directeur: Jacques RancourtCompositeurs
François Bousch (France), Victor Alexandru Coltea (Roumanie), Jean-Luc Darbellay (Suisse), Dan Dediu (Roumanie), Sorin Lerescu (Roumanie), Jean-Marie Morel (France) et Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg).Interprètes
Animation: Jean-Luc Darbellay et Irène Gayraud
Anne Le Coutour mezzo-soprano et récitante
Elisabeth Darbellay cor de basset
Marc Sieffert saxophone
Christine Marchais piano
Asdrubal Bandeira saxophone
Altamiro Rocha saxophone
en création mondiale François Bousch
Que nous sommes
poème de Jacques RancourtVictor Alexandru Coltea
Marele Ingrozitorul Poem
poème de Ion CristoforJean-Luc Darbellay Passants de haute nuit
poème de Cécile Oumhani
poème de Claude HeldDan Dediu If It Were Given…
poème de Stephanos StephanidesSorin Lerescu Portrait imaginaire
poème d’Hélène DorionJean-Marie Morel Busso busso
poème de Daniele PieroniMarcel Wengler
Le poème que je suis
poème de Stefaan van den Bremt
16 June 2013Wiesbaden - Schloss Biebrich
Dans le cadre du 30e anniversaire de la « Letzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek »
Kammermusik Luxemburger Komponisten
Konzert zur Luxemburger Nationalfeier in WiesbadenLes solistes du Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Cornelia Gudea violon
Borbala Janitsek violoncelle
Sarah Briganti piano
Alfred Kowalsky Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano Jules Krüger Mélancolie pour violoncelle et piano René Hemmer Skizze für Violine und Klavier Victor Fenigstein Complaintes de notre temps Marcel Wengler Piano Trio René Mertzig Trio à clavier No 2 Pierre Even Klaviertrio op 55 Uraufführung ![]()
Luxemburger-Freundeskreis Rhein-Main E.V. –
Sept. 2013 – July 2014The Second International Conducting Competition For Chinese Music
The first International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music was initiated and organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. It enjoyed the keen support of experts, music conservatories and institutes in China and other parts of the world. A total of 55 entries from all over the world was received. The final competition was held in Hong Kong in July, 2011, with success and to wide acclaim. Such a competition is considered not only a rewarding initiative to groom young talents in conducting, but also a milestone in the development of Chinese orchestral music.
“This international competition is a ground-breaking move in the realm of large-scale, modern Chinese music performance in the last hundred years. It is a launch pad for young conducting talents as well as for Chinese orchestral music in the main. I am certain that this conducting competition will add magical charm to the genre of Chinese music, and be a milestone in its history.”
Zhao Jiping
Chairman of Chinese Musician’s AssociationHong Kong Chinese Orchestra
In cooperation with the
Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music
4 - 15 November 2013ISCM World New Music Days 2013
Slovakia and Austria
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary MusicThe ISCM World New Music Days 2013 will take place in Kosice, Bratislava (Slovakia) and in Vienna (Austria) from November 4 to 14. The festival offers a variety of concerts featuring works, e.g. for chamber choir, recorders and electronics, symphony orchestra, sound installations, compositions for solo instruments, ensembles, and more.
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra Bratislava
Slovak National Theatre Kosice
Dorian Gray, Opera by Lubica Cekovska World Première
12 November 2013ISCM World New Music Days 2013 - Vienna
Ensemble Platypus
Conductor: Jaime Wolfson
Carlo Alessandro Landini
(Italy)This heart thy center is, this flesh thy sphere Avner Finberg
(Israel)Kinah Ji-Hyang Kim
(South Korea)Moire Ansgar Beste
(Gotland)Incontro concertante José Maria Sánchez-Verdú
(Spain)Arquitecturas del limite Marcel Reuter
(Luxembourg)Interludio Julia Purgina
Marcel Reuter
Complete Festival Programme:
8 - 13 November 2013IAMIC 2013
Bratislava, Slovakia 8 – 10 November 2013
Vienna, Austria 11 – 13 November 2013
International Association of Music Information Centres
Annual Meeting and Melos-Ethos Festival
8 – 10 November 2013 Bratislava
Annual Conference
11 November 2013 Vienna
General Assembly
12 November 2013
Vienna“The IAMIC Annual Meeting and Conference is organised every year by another Music Information Centre in cooperation with IAMIC. It attracts operators in music documentation and promotion, managers, as well as researchers, composers and musicians. This year two countries co-operate – Austria and Slovakia in preparing a very rich programme, which will deal with topic – “Success in music – self-commitment or claim of the Market?”
The IAMIC business meetings are organised by Music Centre Slovakia where also the Melos-Ethos Festival will take place with IAMIC concerts and numerous other concerts of contemporary music throughout the city. We are very happy to announce that Kaija Saariaho will be among us. As a special guest she will also be talking about the role of Music Information Centres in life of a composer.
The public conference is organised in Vienna by mica – music austria. The conference offers a wide variety of presentations and roundtables lead by renowned speakers around the theme “What factors make music successful?” It will give new insights in how success can be measured in different musical genres through charts, competitions, etc., the role of digital devices as agents for success, benchmarks for music information centres, what does success mean in the field of arts?, and many other interesting topics will be tackled. The outcomes will help stakeholders to have a clearer view on what success really implies in the field of music and the arts and how it can be attained.”Ol’ga Smetanová
President of IAMIC
Music Centre Slovakia
mica – music austria
December 2013New release
«In the Year of the Dragon» - DVD 108
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Concert Live Recording – 1st February 2013
30th anniversary of the
Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music
Richard Tsang Ling-Kai (Spirit’s Domain) Nie Er
Dance of the Golden Snakes
Qin Pengzhang & Luo Zhongrong Moonlight over Spring River Huang Haihuai The Horse Race Roland Wiltgen Voyage to Calicut Naoko Kachi Crossover the World Marcel Wengler In the Year of the Dragon Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Conductor: Yan HuichangEditions LGNM DVD No 108
Prix 20.- € (envoi inclus)
New release40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the People's Republic of China
Luxembourg Sinfonietta - DVD 109
Sichuan Conservatory of Music
Concert Live Recording – 29st March 2013
Luis Bacalov
The Postman Isaak Dunayevsky Moonlight Waltz Peter Tchaikovsky Mazeppa: Aria of Maria Henry Mancini Moon River Richard Strauss Beim Schlafengehen Gustav Mahler Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen Richard Strauss Im Abendrot Giacomo Puccini Nessun Dorma Dimitri Shostakovich Waltz Nr 2 Isaak Dunayevsky Guelder-rose Blossoms Huang Haihuai The Horse Race Orchestration and arrangements by Marcel Wengler
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Li Hong soprano
Hao Chen baritone
Conductor: Marcel WenglerEditions LGNM DVD No 109
Prix 20.- € (envoi inclus)
Events Calendar 2014
3 May 2014Théâtre Municipal Esch-sur-Alzette
La Nuit de la Culture Concert donné par le Luxembourg Sinfonietta dans le cadre de la 3ème édition «Nuit de la Culture» organisée par le Théâtre Municipal Esch-sur-Alzette le samedi 3 mai 2014 à partir de 17.00 heures. «La Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette se prépare à organiser une troisième édition de la Nuit de la Culture. Le 3 mai 2014 de 17.00 à 01.00 heures, les institutions culturelles à Esch ouvriront de nouveau leurs portes et inviteront tous publics à venir partager avec eux des moments riches en surprises et émotions.
Outre des représentations artistiques les plus variées telles que spectacles d’art vivant, concerts, projections de films, spectacles de rue ou encore expositions, le public pourra découvrir les coulisses de certaines institutions participantes.»
Théâtre D’Esch - Saison 2013/2014
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Danse contemporaine et chorégraphie: Sylvia Camarda
Direction: Marcel Wengler Programme: Boléro de Maurice Ravel dans l’orchestration de Marcel Wengler Danse contemporaine:
Martyr de et par Sylvia Camarda “Cette chorégraphie se base entièrement sur la composition musicale de Maurice Ravel et suit le crescendo progressif jusqu’à la note finale. Sylvia Camarda s’inspire de gestes barbariques qui ont été infligés à nos martyrs les plus connus, Sainte Agathe, aux seins arrachés, Saint Barthélemie portant sa dépouille de sa propre peau, Sainte Lucie, jetée dans de l’huile bouillante, aux yeux arrachés et la gorge transpercée d’une épée et bien sûr Saint Sébastien attaché à un poteau et le corps transpercé de flèches.” Information:
13 May 2014Paris – Cité internationale des Arts
Concert proposé par l’association Musique et Partage. Parcours musical dans le temps et l’espace des 28 Pays de l’Union Européenne. Pierre Even Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier
(Luxembourg) Interprètes
Marie-Jeanne Baudot violoncelle
Claudine Renou piano20.15
18 May 2014Taiwan, Taipei
National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
National Concert Hall
‘Travel Journal’ Concert Featuring Foreign Perspectives
Three composers from different countries – Marcel Wengler from Luxembourg, Bernd Franke from Germany, and Naoko Kachi from Japan – traveled in Taiwan during 2013 to look for inspirations and recorded what they saw and felt about the island after experiencing Taiwan’s culture in person.
The places they visited included the National Center for Traditional Arts in Yilan, a traditional opera house in Taipei’s Dadaocheng area, Bopiliao Old Street, temples, and indigenous communities. The composers also learned about Nanguan and Beiguan, two genres of Taiwan traditional music; Hakka culture; aboriginal music; and Taiwanese opera. They were amazed by not only Taiwans cultural scenes but also the diverse natural landscapes. Transforming these experiences into musical elements, they composed music for several musicians in the National Chinese Orchestra, including leading member Liu Zhen-ling and award-winning suona player Tseng Chien-yun. Their commissioned pieces will be featured in a concert at the National Concert Hall on May 18, with two new Taiwanese composers Lu Yun and Wang Yi-yu each presenting their music written from the perspective of ‘looking at Taiwan in Taiwan’.The musicians will express their feelings about the cultural experiences in Taiwan, such as indigenous music and objects used in religious rituals. “Through the exquisite music the composers wrote exclusively for the NCO, the project not only helps the orchestra to showcase its own strengths but also contributes to the whole of the traditional Chinese music genre,” said NCO Principal Guest Conductor Yan Huichang.
Ministry of Culture Taiwan (R.O.C.), Taipei
National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan
Soloists: Peter Bruns cello and Ya Dong pipa
Conductor: Yan Huichang
Programme: Marcel Wengler Prélude - Intrada
first-performanceNaoko Kachi Symphonic poem «Tao»
first-performanceYun Lu Lion Dance
first-performanceYi-yu Wang Kui’s Love
first-performanceBernd Franke Mirror and Circle
first-performanceMarcel Wengler Concerto for Orchestra
13-19 May 2014Goethe-Institut Taipei
‘Das musikalische Taiwan bereisen
VortragsreiheDie Dichter singen und die Sänger dichten. Wie Schatten und Licht auf den Bildern eines Fotographen zeugen die Töne auf der Partitur von den Spuren der Welt, die von Komponisten bereist wurde. Folgen Sie den zwei weltweit bekannten und anerkannten Komponisten Marcel Wengler aus Luxemburg und dem deutschen Bernd Franke auf der transkulturellen Reise um die Welt und lernen Sie Taiwan durch die Musik kennen.
Goethe-Institut Taipei
14. Mai, 14:00 Uhr:
Institut für Musik der „National Chiao Tung University“
„Ich sehe, ich höre“
Marcel Wengler und Bernd Franke im Dialog
Moderation: Professor Jun Jie Yen19. Mai, 13:00 Uhr:
Institut für Musik der „National Chiao Tung University“
Marcel Wengler und Bernd Franke im Dialog
Moderation: Professor Rung Shung Wu
4 – 15 June 2014Paris - 37e Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie
Festival franco-anglais de poésie
crée en 1976 Directeur: Jacques Rancourt
12 June 2014Paris – Bâteau Daphné
(quai de Montebello, Notre Dame de Paris)
Soirée Poésie et Musique
Anne Le Coutour mezzo-sporano
Yekta récitant
Elisabeth Darbellay cor de basset
Marc Sieffert saxophone
Asdrubal Bandeira saxophone
Altamiro Rocha saxophone
Christine Marchais piano Animation: Jean-Luc Darbellay et Irène Gayraud Concert dans le cadre du
Festival franco-anglais de poésie
Le Poème Comme Fiction – Spécial Poésie Chinoise
Soirée Poésie et Musique autour de textes des poètes invités Création mondiale d’œuvres musicales composée à partir de poèmes sur le thème «Le Poème Comme Fiction» parus dans la Traductière No 32 par des compositeurs de Allemagne, Iran/Suède, Suisse, Luxembourg et France.
Programme: en création mondiale François Bousch Balançoire
poème de Shizue OgawaPierre-André Bovey Fiction ou réalité
poème d’Anthony HubbardJean-Luc Darbellay Dans le ciel
poème de Philippe MathyJean-Louis Dhermy Was bildest du dir ein?
poème d’Eva Maria BergHans Eugen Frischknecht L’exilé
poème de Max AlhauUrsula Gut 12 6 28
poème d’Anise KoltzMarkus Hofer L’histoire qu’on se raconte…
poème de Claudine BohiMansor Hosseini Le dieu des toits
poème de Linda Maria BarosJean-Marie Morel Au-delà de la nuit
poème de Jacques RancourtMarcel Wengler Eye
poème de Shurid Shahidullah19.30
22 June 2014Weilburg an der Lahn
Konzert zur Luxemburger Nationalfeier
Les Solistes du Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Sarah Briganti piano
Sebastian Plata clarinet
Programme: Jia Daqun Rondo Henri Tomasi Nocturne Richard R. Bennett Ballad in memory of Shirley Horn Igor Strawinski Three Pieces Philippe Gaubert Fantaisie Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke Luxemburger-Freundeskreis Rhein-Main E.V. –
15 to 26 July 2014The Second International Conducting Competition For Chinese Music
In cooperation with the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music
The first International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music, initiated and organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, enjoyed the keen support of experts, music conservatories and institutes in China and over the world.
Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and Xi’an Conservatory of Music, the Second International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music has completed its first round of competition in December 2013. The panel of judges for the first round comprised Prof. Bian Zushan, Prof. Xia Feiyun, Prof Chen Tcheng-Hsiung, Prof. Lu Rirong, Prof. Richard Tsang and Mr Chew Hee-chiat. Judges unanimously agreed that standard of the contestants was encouraging. After serious adjudication process, panel of judges has successfully selected the following contestants to enter the second round:
Chen Xiaodong, Cheng Sing Tai, Cheng Zuopei, Chiang Chen-hao, Gao Wei, Ge Weiyue, Ho Chi Chung, Kadeliya Ku'erban, Lin Wilbur, Sebastian Perlowski, Wang Dan, Woo Pak Tuen, Xue Yuen, Yang Guang, Yao Shenshen, Yu Hsing Yi, Zhao Wen.The second round of the competition will take place at Xi’an Conservatory of Music between 15-20th July, 2014.
Semi-final and the final round will be held in Hong Kong between 23-24th July.
The Final Competition Concert to be held on 26th July, 2014 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.
Finalists will compete for the laurel by conducting the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.Information:
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Artistic Director: Yan Huichang
15 - 20 July 2014Xi'an Conservatory of Music
The Second round of the “International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music” was held at the Xi’an Conservatory of Music.
Panel of judges:Contestants for the semi-final competition:
- Prof Chen Tcheng-Hsiung (Renowned Conductor in Taiwan)
- Prof Bian Zushan (National Class One Conductor)
- Prof Xia Feiyun (Renowned conductor and Professor of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music)
- Mr Chen Xieyang (Renowned conductor and Honorary Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra)
- Prof Lu Rirong (Professor of the Xi’an Conservatory of Music and Honorary Chairman of China National Orchestra Society)
- Mr Marcel Wengler (conductor and artistic director of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta)
Sebastian Perlowski, Woo Pak Tuen, Xue Yuan, Yao Shenshen, Yu Hsing Yi, Zhao Wen
26 July 2014Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
The Final Competition Concert with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra was held on July 26, 2014 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.
Woo Pak Tuen, Xue Yuan, Yao ShenshenAnnouncements of Awards
First Prize: Xue Yuen (Shanghai)
Second Prize: Woo Pak Tuen (Hong Kong)
Third Prize: Yao Shenshen (Shanghai)Special Award: Sebastian Perlowski (Poland)
The Most Improvement Award: Yu Hsing Yi (Taiwan)
Outstanding Young Conductor of Hong Kong: Woo Pak Tuen (Hong Kong)
Audience Award for the Most Popular Conductor: Woo Pak Tuen (Hong Kong)
HKCO Musician Pick: Xue Yuen (Shanghai)
Best Interpretation of Works of Hong Kong: Xue Yuen (Shanghai)
Judge Marcel Wengler and Co-Chairman of the competition Yan Huichang presented the "Second International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music" Audience Award for the Most Popular Conductor to Woo Pak Tuen (Hong Kong).
5 - 27 July 2014Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival 2014
The 2014 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival will take place at Hsinchu Performing Arts Center. There will be 57 performing groups from of Hsinchu City. This Music Festival encloses 18 melodious performances, which includes five different themes and they are “master classics”, “Chinese culture exchange”, “music diversity”, “campus tradition” and “seminars”.
The year of 2014 marks the 185 anniversary of the foundation of the Hsinchu City. Thus this year’s festival integrates the traditional and contemporary musical performances to celebrate this anniversary. Hsinchu City Government invites everyone to enjoy this festival that lasts for three weeks, shall bring you to the true beauty and the sensation of the Chinese music.
Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival is one of the annual events in Hsinchu City which lets us experience the beauty and charm of Chinese music. Chinese instruments’ uniqueness makes Chinese music much different than music from other countries and cultures. It would be a great experience to attend the festival and take a look !
Hsinchu City Mayor, Ming-Tsai Hsu
12 July 2014Taiwan, Hsinchu Concert Hall
National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan
Conductor: Yan Huichang & Marcel Wengler
Programme: Marcel Wengler Prélude - Intrada
Concerto for Orchestra
National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan,
conducted by Yan Huichang & Marcel Wengler![]()
Marcel Wengler, awarded for special achievements
New release
The 20th century violin concertante
A repertoire guide to the compositions for violin concertante written between 1894 and 2006Ebook
Author & Publisher: Tobias Broeker, Stuttgart / Germany
ISBN: 978-3-00-047105-6
www.tobias-broeker.deThis publication includes works of composers from Luxembourg, presented by the Luxembourg Music Information Centre:
Victor Fenigstein
Jeannot Heinen
Jules Krüger
Claus Krumlovsky
Claude Lenners
Marcel Wengler
3 - 8 October 2014IAMIC 2014 Wroclaw, Poland
International Association of Music Information Centres
Annual Meeting, General Assembly, Conference and ConcertEach year a conference is organised by IAMIC in cooperation with a Music Information Centre. The conference coincides with the IAMIC Annual Meeting and General Assembly.
This year Polish Music Information Centre organises the Annual Meeting, General Assembly, Conference and Concert 2014 which will be held between 3rd and 8th October in Wroclaw – a city in the south-west of Poland, also known by its historical name Breslau. The ISCM World Music Days will also be held there, which will provide an excellent context for IAMIC meeting.
IAMIC Conference will be held the 7th October and will have as subject “Tradition and new music”. The Conference is linked to Oskar Kolberg (1814-1890) anniversary celebrations, a composer considered as the first Polish folklorist and a very important figure in Polish folklore studies and in Polish culture in general.
Polish Music Information Centre
3 - 12 October 2014ISCM World Music Days 2014
Wroclaw / Poland
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary Music“The World Music Days Festival is a feast of contemporary music provided by the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) – one of the most important international networks of members from around fifty countries, devoted to the promotion and presentation of contemporary music – the music of our time.
Each year the festival is hosted by one of ISCM’s members. The host nation has some flexibility in determining the individual themes that drive the programming of the festival, either by presenting a showcase of activity from around the world, or applying other criteria for the selection and programming of works.
The World Music Days Festival was first held in Salzburg in 1923, and during its long and distinguished history it has been hosted by over fifty cities around the world. In October 2014 the festival will take place in Wroclaw. The main organisers are the Municipality of Wroclaw as well as Wroclaw Opera House, National Forum of Music, Academy of Music, Polish Section of the ISCM and Polish Radio 2.
Although the World Music Days Festival is a festival of contemporary academic music, the principal idea for the 2014 edition is to show the most significant music phenomena that generally characterize new music.”
9 October 2014ISCM World Music Days 2014 - Wroclaw
National Forum of Music
Swietokrzyska Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra Percussion: Leszek Lorent
Conductor: Jacek Rogala Honorary patronage of the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden
Swietokrzyska Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Programme: Fernando Munizaga-Mellado
(Chile)Espejismos Jesper Nordin
(Sweden)Residues Marcel Wengler
(Luxembourg)Tableau for orchestra Panayiotis Kokoras
(Greece)Kydoimos Tomasz Jakub Opalka
(Poland)Vitality Grazyna Pstrokonska-Nawratil
(Poland)Harmony – Kielce 2011 Report: ISCM World Music Days in Wroclaw, Poland, 2014
“Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg)
Tableaux for orchestraA little gem. Everyone was raving about this piece after the performance of the Świętokryska Philharmonic. The harmonies were third-built, like Takemitsu's jazz chords--maybe #11s or #13s and such, and these harmonies shifted around in very sneaky ways, not at all like jazz. A little nocturne.“
William Anderson
Composer USA
The history of the Kielce Symphony Orchestra, which is known in Poland as the ‘Świętokrzyska‘ (Holy Cross) Philharmonic (its name is taken from the Holy Cross mountain range) goes back to the founding in 1920 of a symphony orchestra which brought together members of the local military band of the Fourth Infantry Regiment. The ambition of the local community to establish a professional music ensemble was fulfilled after World War Two. The Symphony Orchestra of the Kielce Province included twenty four members of the first ensemble, a fact which highlights the continuity of the artistic tradition. The orchestra inaugurated its activity on 28 July 1945, with Marian Stroiński serving as its director until 1955. He was succeeded by Felicjan Lasota.In 1968 the orchestra was given Philharmonic status and was named after the famous Polish music ethnographer Oskar Kolberg. This was thanks to the efforts of its music director Karol Anbild, who held the post from 1957 to 1990. It was on his initiative that the ‘Świętokrzyskie Music Days’ Festival was launched in 1964 and the Philharmonic Chorus was established in 1984. In 1990-1995 the Philharmonic worked under the directorship of Tomasz Szreder. During his tenure the orchestra moved to the Kielce Cultural Centre.
In 1995-2001 the position of the Orchestra’s Managing and Artistic Director was held by Szymon Kawalla. In 1996, after a thirty-year break, he gave a new lease of life to the ‘Świętokrzyskie Music Days’ Festival. In 1998, the orchestra was given its present name – the ‘Świętokrzyska’ Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2001 the post of Managing and Artistic Director was taken over by the conductor and composer Jacek Rogala. In January 2012 the orchestra moved to a new facility, which was built within the framework of the ‘Operational Programme – Infrastructure and Environment’.
The Kielce Symphony Orchestra has performed under many outstanding conductors, such as Jacek Kaspszyk, Kazimierz Kord, Jerzy Maksymiuk, Marek Pijarowski and Tadeusz Strugała. The long list of soloists who have performed in Kielce has included Jeremy Findlay, Ingrid Fliter, Andrzej Hiolski, Krzysztof Jakowicz, Kevin Kenner, Zofia Kilanowicz, Konstanty A. Kulka, Mischa Maisky, Wiesław Ochman, Piotr Paleczny, Jadwiga Rappe, Wanda Wiłkomirska and Krystian Zimerman. The orchestra currently has eighty members. Foreign tours have taken it to the Benelux countries, Germany, Italy, Hungary and South Korea. Its discography includes ‘The Polish Album’ series, ‘We Are From Here’ and ‘Music for the Opening of the New Home’.
October 2014"Wuhan International Music Festival"
Wuhan Conservatory of Music’s “Music Creation, Collaborative Innovation Center in Hubei Province” was founded in 2012 with the concern and support of Hubei Provincial Department of Education and Hubei Provincial Department of Finance. It is one of the first projects of Hubei 2011 Plan.
The Collaborative Innovation Center, established in the Hubei Key Characteristics Discipline “Music and Dance”, based on the intention of putting the composition to lead, powered by institutional reform, aims at improving comprehensively the transformation and development along with the innovation abilities in the area of our musical creation performance, meeting the important demands of cultural construction and social development in Hubei.
To achieve this goal, as the 2014 key construction project of Collaborative Innovation Center, our composers were invited by Luxembourg Sinfonietta to compose several Hubei-theme-based pieces for this musical event. Also, many well-known composers and artists from Britain, France, Luxembourg and lots of domestic musicians are joining us here in the 2014 Wuhan International Music Festival.
We will enjoy a number of special concerts, academic lectures, master classes and teaching workshops in this week-long festival.
Taking the projects of Collaborative Innovation Center as platform, we will absorb the outstanding civilization achievements worldwide, strive to make Wuhan International Music Festival a beautiful culture card of Wuhan and central China.Professor Peng Zhimin,
President of Wuhan Conservatory of Music
30 October 2014Wuhan Conservatory of Music
The Chimes Concert Hall
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Wan Ji Er-hu
Rong Zheng bamboo-flute
Programme: Claude Debussy Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune Wu Shuang Mogul for Er-hu and ensemble
first-performanceStephan A. Berg Stufen Ding Bing Hubei Style Sketch - first-performance Philip Glass Company No 2 Hua Yan-jun Moon Reflecting in the Erquan Pond Gong Hua-hua Chu Qiao II for Bamboo-flute and ensemble
31 October 2014Wuhan Conservatory of Music
The Chimes Concert Hall
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Oriental Chimes Ensemble
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Rong Zheng bamboo-fluteClosing Concert of the
“2014 Wuhan International Music Festival”
held in the presence of Paul Steinmetz,
the Ambassador of Luxembourg to China
Programme: Zhao Xi Flow for Bamboo-flute and ensemble first-performance Erik Satie Gymnopédies Steve Reich Triple String Quartet Jia Da-qun Rondo for clarinet and piano Marcel Wengler Landscapes
for Zeng Houyi Chime Bells and orchestra first-performanceZhang Qiong Wang Zhao-jun
for violin and chamber orchestra
first-performanceHuang Haihuai Horse Race Huang Xun-fang The Temple of Heaven
for Zeng Houyi Chime Bells and orchestra
21 November 2014Conservatoire de Musique de la Ville de Luxembourg
Anniversary Concert
Welcome to IBM's 30th concert in Luxembourg - a major milestone!
I feel privileged, as your new IBM Country General Manager, to share this special occasion with you tonight.Over the last few years digital transformation and customer-focussed innovation have radically transformed the world in which we live and work. IBM has been a major player and catalyst in this context, remaining true to our long and rich heritage of relentless innovation and dedication to you, our customers, and to your success. The projects and partnerships we have conducted in the last few months in Luxembourg in business analytics, mobility, security, cloud and social enterprise testify to our constant evolution.
The theme of tonight's concert is also change and transformation! I am honored to introduce a rich programme of classical masterpieces from the Renaissance to the early modern period interpreted by the musicians of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta under the baton of Marcel Wengler.
I wish you all a most enjoyable evening,
Frédéric Robin
Country General Manager IBM LuxembourgLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Li Hong soprano
Programme: Edmond de la Fontaine Mumm Séis John Dowland Come again Philip Glass Company No 2 Claude Debussy Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune Richard Wagner Träume Erik Satie Gymnopédies Richard Strauss Vier letzte Lieder Maurice Ravel Boléro
Supported by IBM
Tel.: +352 47 08 951 (lundi – vendredi 10.00 – 18.30 h)20.00
1 December 2014Festival ISCM-Musicarama 2015 Hong Kong
Submission Deadline
This will be a mini festival of ISCM to be held within 4 consecutive days from 31st May to 3rd June 2015. A total of 4 concerts and 1 symposium will be held in the government venues in Hong Kong. A 5-member international jury will select the pieces among submissions from ISCM composers. Around 28 compositions will be performed by 2 visiting groups and some of the best local musicians. Overseas composers whose works are featured will be provided 2 nights of hotel accommodation. Besides attending the rehearsals and performances, the featured composers will also be invited to talk about their music in the symposium which can accommodate a maximum of 10 composers-speakers, each of them will be given a small speaker honorarium of 100 euro (subject to the final confirmation of the project funding).
The Festival would like to call for works based on the following performing groups:
- Western orchestral music – Global Symphony Orchestra (Hong Kong)
- Chamber music for Western instruments – Ensemble Kochi (Japan)
- Chamber music for mixed Western and Chinese instruments – Hong Kong New Music
Ensemble and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Ensemble- Choral performances – Taipei Chamber Singers (Taiwan)
- All works will be selected by an international jury (tentatively Vytautas Germanavicius, Isao Matsushita, Peter Swinnen, Richard Tsang & Marcel Wengler)
- The organizer reserves the right to directly discuss the programme with the ISCM Sections, producers and others in order to refine the programme.
Presented by:
Hong Kong Composers' Guild
Supported by:
The Composers & Authors Society of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Leisure & Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong
Radio 4, Radio Television Hong Kong
Organizing Committee
Joshua Chan (Chairman), Lo Hau-man, Mui Kwong-chiu, Lai Sheung-ping, Leung Chi-hin, Tang Lok-yin, Alex Au, Anthony Cheng, Lam Fung, Chris Hung, Austin Yip & Viola YuenPROCEDURES FOR SUBMITTING ENTRIES
- Only composers from ISCM sections will be featured. All scores must be sent via the ISCM sections, not as individual submissions. Each ISCM section can send up to 6 pieces. The ISCM guidelines of 'at least one piece from each ISCM section must be featured' can not be applied this time.
- Only one submission per composer can be accepted.
- Details of the available performing forces in the festival are listed as follows:
- Western orchestra without soloist: 3-3-3-3/ 4-3-3-1/ 3 perc, timp, harp, 12-10-8-6-4
- Chamber music (up to 10 players): fl/ob/cl/fg/hrn/2vns/va/vc/cb
- Chamber music mixing Western and Chinese instruments (up to 14 players):
fl/cl/hrn/vn/va/vc/pf/perc x 1/sheng/guanzi/liuqin/pipa/guzheng/erhu
- Choral music (with or without accompaniment)
- All submissions must be accompanied by the following materials and information:
- PDF version of the score (and parts) saved on a CD/DVD
- A recording of the submitted work if possible.
- The year of composition (it is recommended that submitted works should be written after 1999).
- A fairly accurate duration of the work. It is preferable that works submitted are not too lengthy; around 8 to 15 minutes is recommended.
- Programme notes of the submitted work in English (approximately 200 words with a soft copy in MS Word document).
- Please specify if the work is a world or Asia premiere in this festival.
- A short biography of the composer in English (approximately 200 words with a soft copy in MS Word document).
- A recent photo of the composer (preferably in jpeg format).
- Mailing address and e-mail address of the composer.
- An indication of whether a 20-minute paper presentation of this composition can be delivered (in English) by the composer during the symposium of the Festival, if given a 3-month advanced notice
- The submission deadline is 1st December 2014
- All submission materials should be sent to the Festival Secretariat in Hong Kong:
Secretariat, ISCM-Musicarama 2015
c/o RhapsoArts Management
Room A, 13/F, Bing Fu Commercial Building,
450-454 Portland Street,
Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong- By submitting to the festival, the composer or publisher must agree to make available all necessary performing materials (including scores and parts, special items) for the performance of the work, if selected.
- All entries will be treated with great care. The organizer, however, will not take responsibility for the loss or damage of the submitted materials. And the submitted materials will only be returned if this is expressly requested.
- Submissions which do not meet the conditions or deadlines specified above will not be considered.
The organizers of the ISCM-Musicarama 2015 will bear the costs of performance of the selected works. In the case of a composer having special requirements concerning the performance (e.g., specific performer or specific equipment/instrument), the expenses should be covered by the composer or ISCM section.
Secretariat, ISCM-Musicarama 2015
c/o RhapsoArts Management Ltd.
Room A, 13/F, Bing Fu Commercial Building,
450-454 Portland Street,
Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2722-1650
Fax: (852) 2724-1960
27 December 2014Radio 100,7
René Hemmer – 95th Anniversary
Program, dedicated to the work of the Luxembourg composer René Hemmer.
René Hemmer was born in Luxembourg in 1919. He studied music at the Luxembourg Conservatory. At the age of 20 he joined the Military Band, where he played the trumpet and the cello, and subsequently became the deputy director. He also led the band of Rodange, his home town for 23 years. In addition he taught at the Music School in Pétange and at the Luxembourg Conservatory. He founded and conducted the Chamber Orchestra of Luxembourg which consisted almost entirely of amateur musicians.
René Hemmer is generally considered the pathfinder of the second generation in Luxembourg. This generation covers names such as Edmond Cigrang, René Mertzig, Norbert Hoffmann and Claus Krumlovsky and is characterised by a freedom from traditional patterns and methods. Though this development clearly did not take place on the conscious programmed level, new trends and musical possibilities were nevertheless opened up which led to a new and "bolder" approach to composition. The inevitable risks in terms of public reaction must, of course, be accepted.
Almost all symphonic works by René Hemmer have been played and recorded by the "Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg". René Hemmer's compositions have been played in many European countries such as Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Turkey and England and broadcasted by Radio RTL and RTBF, Radio Zurich and Innsbruck, by the Swedish Radio in Stockholm and by the Radio University of Florida.
Events Calendar 2015
6 February 2015Théâtre Municipal Esch-sur-Alzette
Michael Kupfer, Bariton
Szenische Aufführung der Winterreise von Franz Schubert in der Orchesterfassung von Marcel Wengler.Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Michael Kupfer, Bariton
Leitung: Marcel WenglerDie von Franz Schubert im Jahre 1827 vertonten 24 Lieder der „Winterreise“ wurden in einer eigens für die Luxembourg Sinfonietta realisierten Instrumentation von Marcel Wengler erstmals am 7. Juli 2002 in Luxemburg vorgestellt.
Franz Schubert (1797-1828) widmete sich in Wien dem kompositorischen Schaffen, in dessen Mittelpunkt das Lied steht. Er schrieb über 600 Lieder u.a. nach Gedichten von Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Claudius und Müller, darunter die Lieder-Zyklen „Schwanengesang“, „Die schöne Müllerin“ und „Winterreise“. Darüber hinaus umfasst sein Werk Opern, Operetten, Singspiele, Messen, Sinfonien, Streichquartette sowie zahlreiche Klavierkompositionen. Franz Schubert schuf die „Winterreise“ im Alter von 31 Jahren in einem Zeitraum von wenigen Monaten nach der Textvorlage von Wilhelm Müller.
Im November 2013 war Michael Kupfer als Wotan/RHEINGOLD am „Teatro Municipal São Paulo“/Brasilien zu hören. Im Rahmen eines Konzerts des Bayerischen Rundfunks interpretierte er im Januar 2014 den Hämerlein in einer von Ulf Schirmer geleiteten konzertanten Aufführung von Richard Strauss’ FEUERSNOT. Im Februar 2014 präsentierte er sich an der königlichen Oper in Stockholm als Jochanaan/SALOME. Im Juni 2014 übernahm Michael Kupfer kurzfristig den Wotan/RHEINGOLD in einer von Valery Gergiev geleiteten Aufführung am “Mariinsky Theatre” in St. Petersburg. Aufgrund seiner Leistung wurde der Künstler sofort wieder eingeladen für Jochanaan/SALOME, sowohl in St. Petersburg wie auch anlässlich eines Gastspiels in Tokyo. Außerdem wurde ihm am „Mariinsky Theatre“ ein Liederabend mit DIE SCHÖNE MÜLLERIN angeboten. In der Saison 2014/15 wird Michael Kupfer am Winter-Festival von Erl als Guglielmo/COSI FAN TUTTE, Don Fernando/FIDELIO sowie mit Schuberts DIE SCHÖNE MÜLLERIN zu hören sein. Es folgen Faninal/DER ROSENKAVALIER an der Oper in Beijing und am Bolshoi in Moskau und Kurwenal/TRISTAN UND ISOLDE am Wagner Festival in Wels. Im Sommer 2015 wird Michael Kupfer wiederum als Wotan/RHEINGOLD und Gunther/GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG, sowie zum ersten Mal als Hans Sachs/MEISTERSINGER an den Tiroler Festspielen auf der Bühne stehen.
Neben seinem Engagement in der Oper pflegt der Künstler auch ein breites Konzertrepertoire. So sang er schon DIE SCHÖPFUNG, DIE JAHRESZEITEN, JOHANNES- und MATTHÄUS-PASSION, Beethovens 9. SYMPHONIE oder auch EIN DEUTSCHES REQUIEM und DAS LIED DER ERDE. Auch im Liedrepertoire fühlt er sich zu Hause und interpretierte die großen Liedzyklen wie die WINTERREISE, DIE SCHÖNE MÜLLERIN und die DICHTERLIEBE auf Konzertbühnen in Japan, Italien, Deutschland und Österreich. Zuletzt erschien eine CD mit Schuberts „Winterreise“, begleitet von Margarita Oganesjan am Klavier.
Michael Kupfer musizierte unter der Leitung von Ingo Metzmacher, Marek Janowski, Gustav Kuhn, Marcello Viotti, Paul Daniels und Markus Stenz, begleitet wurde er dabei von dem „BBC Symphony Orchestra“, dem Bayerischen Staatsorchester, den Münchner Symphonikern, dem Tonhalle Orchester Zürich, dem Rundfunkorchester des BR und dem „Rotterdam Philharmonisch Orkest“.
Tél.: +352 54 73 83 – 501 (lundi – samedi 14.00 – 18.00h)
25 April 2015Festival L'Europe en Musique
Musée des Instruments de Musique - Bruxelles
Hélène Zanutel-Grignard clarinet
Cédric Allard violin
Eva Pusker violin
Radostina Tchalakova violin
Dominica Eyckmans viola
Angélique Charbonnel cello
Catherine Lebrun cello
Matthieu Normand piano
Françoise Lepape piano
Guillaume Grignard piano
Programme: Hilding Rosenberg
(Sweden)Sonate pour violon et piano No 2 Marcel Reuter
pour clarinette, violoncelle et pianoMihkel Kerem
(Estonia)Sonate pour violon et piano No 2 Stan Golestan
(Romania)Arioso et Allegro de concert
pour alto et pianoChristopher Muscat
(Malta)Clepsydra pour quatuor à cordes Jiri Gemrot
(Czech Republic)Quintette
pour clarinette et quatuor à cordes
May 2015New release
Editions LGNM DVD No 111
« Winterreise »
Franz Schubert
Lieder nach Gedichten von Wilhelm MüllerThéâtre de la Ville d’Esch
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Soloist: Michael Kupfer baritone
Conductor: Marcel WenglerDie von Franz Schubert im Jahre 1827 vertonten 24 Lieder der „Winterreise“ - in einer eigens für die Luxembourg Sinfonietta realisierten Instrumentation von Marcel Wengler - werden vom deutschen Bariton Michael Kupfer in einer szenischen Aufführung vorgestellt.
Concert Live Recording – 6th February 2015
Editions LGNM DVD No 111
Prix 25.- € (envoi inclus)
20 - 23 May 2015Wuhan Conservatory of Music - China
Marcel Wengler is invited to hold lectures on contemporary music and masterclasses on conducting at the Wuhan Conservatory of Music.Presentation of symphonic works by the Luxembourg composers Jules Krüger, René Mertzig, Jeannot Heinen and René Hemmer.
Jeannot Heinen - Polarisation
In cooperation with the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music.
31 May - 3 June 2015Festival ISCM – Musicarama 2015 Hong Kong
Although contemporary arts music may sound strange to many listeners of the general public, it means a lot to our fellow composers who treat music creativity seriously. Some composers believe the contemporary musical language is an excellent vehicle to express the most profound feeling from their heart, and some do not see music as just a means of entertainment but a tool to challenge one’s wisdom. We have met many composers around the world sharing the similar belief, especially via the network of the ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music). Providing this opportunity for international composers to showcase their works of new creativity would enable some meaningful exchange of ideas among composers and the audiences. This kind of exchange would hopefully encourage more people to create and appreciate new music.With a limited festival budget, we stage 4 concerts and a one-day Composers’ Forum this time. Although the scope is much smaller than a normal ISCM World Music Days Festival, the programme selection is as competitive as any 10-day ISCM festival. We have received 87 submissions of musical scores from 18 ISCM Member-Sections, and we have been very honored to have a 5-member international jury of distinguished composers to select the scores: Vytautas Germanavicius (President of the Lithuanian Composers Union), Isao Matsushita (Chairman of Asian Composers League), Peter Swinnen (President of ISCM), Richard Tsang (Former President of ISCM) and Marcel Wengler (Music Director of Luxembourg Sinfonietta). Four of them will also attend the Festival in person. Besides focusing on the conventional categories of concert music, i,.e., choral, orchestral and chamber music, we deliberately feature one programme of mixed ensemble music for Chinese and Western instruments, as we believe Chinese instruments are no longer strangers to many non-Chinese composers nowadays. Around 20 overseas composers will come to Hong Kong to attend this Festival, especially for the one-day forum on 1st June when they will share their musical ideas in paper presentation sessions (in English) which are open to the general public with free admission.
It has been an enjoyable experience working with fellow composers of ISCM and Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, without them this Festival will not be happening. I own them thanks. I also hope you will be inspired by our music and discussion during these 4 days.
Dr. Joshua Chan, Chairman of the Organizing Committee
1 June 2015Hong Kong Central Library Lecture Theatre
ISCM – Musicarama 2015 Composers Forum
Moderator: Dr. Joshua Chan
The following composers are invited to hold lectures and to introduce their compositions:
Wolfgang Liebhart (Austria)
Mattias Sköld (Sweden)
Lee Il-joo (Korea)
Janet Chen Jie-ru (Taiwan)
Alin Gherman (Belgium)
Ryan Molly (Ireland)
Peter Gahn (Germany)
Chris Adams (New Zealand)
Santa Buss (Latvia)
Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg)
2 June 2015Hong Kong City Hall Theatre
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Ensemble &
Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
Conductor: Chew Hee-chiat
Programme: Lam Lan-chee
(Hong Kong)Four Gentlemen Lee Chihchun Chi-sun
(Taiwan)Zusammenflusses Klaus Hinrich Stahmer
(Germany)Wu Wolfgang Liebhart
(Austria)seized Wang Ying
(Austria)Nur ich Marcel Wengler
(Luxembourg)In the Year of the Dragon
28 June 2015Salle de concert ArcA - Bertrange
Concert apéritif
Compositeurs luxembourgeoisLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Programme: Jeannot Heinen
4 Miniatures René Hemmer Skizze Alfred Kowalsky Trio pour violin, cello and piano René Mertzig Trio No 2 Jules Krüger Mélancolie Marcel Reuter Interludio Victor Fenigstein Vortragsstück Jacques Neuen Follow me*
first-performancePierre Christen Aestas*
first-performancePierre Even Tarjana-mudra*
first-performanceJohny Fritz Suite de danses*
first-performance*First performances supported by SACEM-Luxembourg
August 2015New release
Editions LGNM
Luxembourg Sinfonietta – CD No 411
International Composition Prize 2013
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
World Première Recordings Chun-wei Lee The Music of Paintings Zhang Zhiliang Sonar Image Naoko Kachi Crossover the World Dic-lun Fung Neuf images du monde flottant Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel WenglerConcert Live Recording – 11th January 2013
Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityEditions LGNM CD No 411
Prix 20.- € (envoi inclus)
17 – 20 September 2015The First Chinese Sheng Art Festival
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Lecture – Forum – Workshop
Moderator: Professor Wu WeiConference by Marcel Wengler:
"Review of Luxembourg's International Sheng Composition Competition 2008"
September 2015New release
Editions LGNM – DVD No 101
ISCM World Music Days 2000 Luxembourg
29 September – 8 October 2000In the year 2000, the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music organised the World Music Days in Luxembourg for the very first time.
The World Music Days of the International Society for Contemporary Music have been hosted every year by the great cities of the world since 1923. This international festival is thus not only the oldest forum for contemporary music in existence anywhere, the way it is programmed certainly makes it one of the most successful events for the music of our time. No other festival offers such a variety of aesthetic and stylistic contributions to the art of composition from the most varied cultural spheres world-wide.
The significance of the World Music Days is also reflected in the large number of compositions submitted from all over the world. In the summer of 1999, an international jury selected the works for performance from 750 scores. During the World Music Days of the year 2000, the works of no less than 134 composers, coming from 52 countries from all five continents, were performed by the most celebrated orchestras, soloists and ensembles.
The huge success of these World Music Days, however, is due to the enthusiastic, curious and, in particular large audience. More than 10 000 visitors attended the various concerts or discovered the sound installations in the “Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain”, the Galerie Simoncini and the “Centre des Arts Pluriels” in Ettelbruck. Thanks to the selection of venues in all the regions of Luxembourg, we were able to attract a public which until then had had little opportunity to discover contemporary music. The 29 events in 22 concerts halls in 12 different localities thus attracted a broad public in the “three-country-corner” SaarLorLux.
Editions LGNM DVD No 101
The complete festival-programme as well as the documentation about the « World Music Days 2000 » are available on request.
26 September – 2 October 2015ISCM World Music Days Slovenia 2015
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary Music
As the representative of the Society of Slovene Composers, the Slovenian Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music, I have more than twenty times been a participant and observer of the General Assembly of the ISCM and the festival with the resounding name: The World Music Days. From my perspective, coming to these events as a representative of a small nation, the World Music Days look slightly different. It has always been evident that the representatives of larger countries present themselves in a different, more salient way. Composers who come from smaller countries or sections have fewer opportunities, whether this is recognised or not. Certain other differences are also apparent. The small should remain diminutive, while the large will continue to be great in the future. Small and large, successful and less successful. This was my first impression, and this impression continues to prevail. Globalisation, which is good for the large and bad for the small, is here; it continues to make inroads, to all corners of the world. They convince us that it is good. The question is: for whom?
I observe creativity because I myself create. I observe and I am astonished. The entire world models itself on the creativity of central Europe. Countries that have developed new outlooks on new music attract young composers to encourage them to absorb their new music. And then, drunk with their fleeting fame, these composers create music that loses touch with the listeners. Some leave and are drowned in the music of the world, others are indifferent or bewildered, and still others remain curious and wait for a historical turnaround. Music must have an artistic charge, it must tell the truth. “Where is the limit?” we often ask ourselves. The limit is established by art; it will never be established by science, not by any branch of science! Only art can survive; constructions belong to other fields of human activity. I believe in music. Let shifts occur; they can occur amongst people who represent the music of the east and the west, the north in the south, the small and the large. Those who are still diminutive will be great. Those who abandon the language of their own environments will not conquer the world. We are also the world. We seek that which is in ourselves, that which tells us of a new and different way to engage with the elemental artistic force.
Why do I tell this well-worn story? Because, as a sensitive person by nature, I feel that the World Music Days courageously fend off this march of globalisation. The World Music Days are a forum at which composers from small, almost unrecognised and unacknowledged centres can also succeed. This is why I was glad – as the representative of a nation that numbers two million people, including some one hundred composers of art music – that I decided for a second time to convince my own milieu, as well as the body of delegates from fifty countries, to enable the World Music Days to take place in Slovenia again. Slovenia, too, has excellent composers; Slovenia, too, is capable of producing world-class performers. Do you doubt this? Come to Slovenia and you will hear that this is true. The World Music Days are here. Welcome to everyone who wanted to experience this. Truth has three orientations, just as the centre of Ljubljana has three bridges emanating from the same centre; three orientations that can all be true, but the truth that artists advocate is unique. Ljubljana’s city pipers, who played and trumpeted in the city some five hundred years ago, were a truth as well. They announced beauty and invited the people to listen. Slovenia has held on to this tradition. The ISCM World Music Days are here again after twelve years. Ljubljana has opened the city gates.
Pavel Mihelčič,
Artistic Director and President
of the Programme Committee ISCM WMD 2015
October 2015New release
Editions LGNM
Luxembourg Sinfonietta – DVD No 110
Sichuan Conservatory of Music 2013
Zhang Zhiliang Fireworks II
first-performanceJohny Fritz Magic Tale
Cornelia Gudea, solo violinYang Shouzhu For bass clarinet and string quartet
first-performanceCamille Kerger Zur Stille gewandt Hu Xiao Imaginary Ancientry
first-performanceDave Maric Predicaments for piano and percussion Karl Fiorini Nachtszenen for violin and ensemble
Jehanne Strepenne, solo violinGuo Long Poem for Sinfonietta
first-performanceJacques Neuen Final Curtain
first-performanceConcert Live Recording – 28th March 2013
Sichuan Conservatory of MusicLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel WenglerEditions LGNM DVD No 110
Prix 20.- € (envoi inclus)
November 2015New release
Editions LGNM
Luxembourg Sinfonietta – DVD No 112
Wuhan Conservatory of Music
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Oriental Chimes Ensemble
Wuhan String & Percussion Ensemble
Zhao Xi Flow for Bamboo-flute and Ensemble
first-performanceZhang Qiong Wang Zhao-jun for Violin and Chamber Orchestra
first-performanceDing Bing Hubei Style Sketch
first-performancePhilip Glass Company No 2 Claude Debussy Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune Erik Satie Gymnopédie No 1 Wu Shuang Mogul for Erhu and Ensemble
first-performanceMarcel Wengler Landscapes for Zeng Hou-yi Chimes and Orchestra
first-performanceHua Yan-jun Moon Reflecting in the Erquan Pond Huang Xun-fang Temple of Heaven for Zeng Hou-yi Chimes and Orchestra
first-performanceGong Hua-hua Chu Qiao II for Bamboo-flute and Ensemble
first-performanceConcert Live Recording – 30/31 October 2014
Wuhan Conservatory of MusicLuxembourg Sinfonietta
Oriental Chimes Ensemble
Wuhan String & Percussion Ensemble
Rong Zheng bamboo-flute
Liu Meng-tian violin
Wan Ji erhu
Bai Dan zhonghu
Conductor: Marcel WenglerEditions LGNM DVD No 112
Prix 20.- € (envoi inclus)
December 2015New release
Editions LGNM
CD Luxembourg Sinfonietta No 412
Recordings by Luxembourg Composers
Jeannot Heinen 4 Miniatures for violin and piano René Hemmer Skizze für Violine und Klavier Alfred Kowalsky Trio for violin, cello and piano René Mertzig Trio à clavier No 2(premier movement) Marcel Reuter Interludio for clarinet, cello and piano Jules Krüger Mélancolie pour violoncelle et piano Victor Fenigstein Vortragsstück für Flöte und Klavier Jacques Neuen Follow me*
first-performancePierre Christen Aestas*
first-performancePierre Even Tarjana-mudra op. 44a*
first-performanceJohny Fritz Suite de danses*
I. Danse déhanchée
II. La Follia en folie
III. Danse de travers
IV. Intermède
V. Danse Ubuesque
first-performance*First performances supported by SACEM-Luxembourg
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Concert Live Recording – 28th June 2015Editions LGNM CD No 412
Prix 20.- € (envoi inclus)
Events Calendar 2016
February – March 2016International Composers’ Summit Hong Kong
“Over the years, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra has not only won many international awards but also organized many milestone events in Chinese orchestral music, such as composition competitions and symposia. The highlight project of this season is Music Without Bounds, a gala event with a rich variety of activities. International composers have been invited to attend the 2016 International Composers’ Summit to share their knowledge on instrumentation as well as compositional insights. In 2017, we will partner with local and international composers’ guilds to organise the International Composition Competition. The goals are to drive Chinese ensemble music forward by encouraging contributions from composers, and to groom talented young composers of Chinese orchestral music in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.”
Yan Huichang
Artistic Director and Principal Conductor
Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraLectures at the Summit were held by the following composers:
Hubert Yan (Hong Kong)
Chen Ning-chi (Hong Kong)
Guo Wenjing (Beijing)
Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg)
Lo Leung-fai (Taiwan)
Law Wai-lun (Singapore)
Dirk Brosse (Belgium)
Robert Zollitsch (Germany)
Gu Guanren (Shanghai)
Ng Cheuk-yin (Hong Kong)
Xu Changjun (Tianjin)
Zhu Xiaogu (Shanghai)
Jiang Ying (Beijing)
Lee Ying (Taiwan)
Yii Kah-hoe (Malaysia)
Fang Xiaomin (Guangdong)
Christopher Pak (Hong Kong)
Tsui Ying-fai (Hong Kong)
Mui Kwong-chiu (Hong Kong)
Chew Hee-chiat (Hong Kong)The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music is a cooperating partner of the International Composition Competition “Chinese Music Without Bounds”.
1 February 2016Hong Kong City Concert Hall
International Composers’ Summit Hong Kong
44th Hong Kong Arts FestivalConference held by the Luxembourg composer Marcel Wengler:
Special features and advices for the orchestration of Chinese Instruments
Live demonstrated by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
29 March – 3 April 2016ISCM World New Music Days Tongyeong (South Korea)
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary Music
“I am very glad to see the 2016 World Music Days back in Korea, and especially in Tongyeong, the birthplace of composer Isang Yun, whose centenary we will celebrate next year.
The ISCM World Music Days, founded in 1922 and having a long history of 93 years as a festival for musicians from all around the world, has taken the role of pioneering new composers of contemporary music. In a way, it has served as a world music exposition, providing a place for people to discover the most recent trends of contemporary music in an international context.
Tongyeong is a meaningful place as the host of this year’s World Music Days as it has brought the East and West, and people from all over the world together at the Tongyeong International Music Festival. Much effort has been made for union and reconciliation through this festival, and this has been sincerely reflected in the program organization. Moreover, hosting the World Music Days in Korea for the second time after Seoul in 1997, Tongyeong has reached a milestone in this country to prove Korea’s excellence in creative music which has been growing continuously for the past 20 years.
Among the 500 works submitted by ISCM sections and individuals, 70 pieces from composers of 50 different nationalities have been carefully selected by an international jury and will be performed. This festival consists of various programs, so that people can grasp the flow of new works in one sight, and get closer to contemporary music.
The 28 official concert programs include many diverse genres of contemporary music. By introducing these different genres, the festival will show pieces that have various forms and concepts
. I hope contemporary music will become more vitalized through the general assembly and through this festival. I also hope that this contributes to making a society that puts value on the arts and the culture of the future. Lastly, I’d like to welcome all the representatives, performers and participants. I’d also like to express my deep gratitude to the organizing committee of Tongyeong International Music Festival and the Korean committee of the International Society for Contemporary Music who have put a great amount of work to make this festival happen. I wish you all an exciting and pleasant time all through the festival !”Seungwoo Paik,
President of ISCM Korea
7 - 13 June 2016Fifth China-ASEAN Music Week
The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music was invited by the GuangXi Arts University of Nanning to participate in the Festival “Fifth China-ASEAN Music Week” held from 7th to 13th June 2016.
10 June 2016Guangxi Arts University Concert Hall
Chinese & Foreign Singer Contemporary Works Concert
Cause.Effect for voice and ensemble
by Hwang-long Pan (Taiwan)
Soloist: Lin Yuqin, Soprano
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Marcel Wengler - Hwang-long Pan
11 June 2016Guangxi Arts University Concert Hall
Three Songs Yuan Qu for Pipa, Sanxian and String Quartet
by Gao Weijie (China)
Soloist: Xiao Ma, Counter Tenor
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Gao Weijie - Marcel Wengler
12 June 2016Guangxi Arts University Concert Hall
Gxau Lijiang River Ensemble Concert
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Programme Dai Wei The Ancient Village Tyler Capp Breakdown Lu Pei In the Depth of the Clouds Judy Bozone The man and the whale Yang Xiaozhong Kou Xian Lv Junhui Dance of Cliff Painting Chung Seung Jae Turning Points Chen Kunpeng The ancient rain Zhou Long Spirit of Chimes Chen Musheng Pin Xiang
31 October 2016The Third International Conducting Competition For Chinese Music
Deadline for application : 31 October 2016
The International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music was an initiative proposed by Professor Yan Huichang, Artistic Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO). The inaugural edition was held in 2011 in Hong Kong by the HKCO. Supported by experts and music institutes from all parts of the world, it was a resounding success. The second Competition was jointly organized by the HKCO and the Xi’an Conservatory of Music in 2014. For this third edition, it is co-organized by the HKCO and the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan. The event’s objective of encouraging and discovering a new generation of leaders in music attracted young talents from all over the world.
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Artistic Director: Yan Huichang
In cooperation with the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music
Events Calendar 2017
New ReleaseEditions LGNM
DVD No 113
Festival International Echternach
Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Henri Pensis Summer Evening Toru Takemitsu Spirit Garden
European first-performanceConcert Live Recording
Basilica Echternach / Luxembourg
1 March 2017Final Concert
International Composition Competition
Chinese Music Without Bounds
The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra has been dedicated to the encouragement of new works for Chinese orchestra. The orchestration of the works is regarded as the core concern. In this international competition, all restrictions regarding nationality, background and age have been lifted in order to promote the concept of the world being ‘a global village’, hence the theme ‘Music without Bounds’. The aim is to discover talented composers and offer them a platform for showcasing their works and for exchange.
80 entries were received and the first round of selection from among the 53 qualified contesting composers coming from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Australia. 6 were selected by the adjudicators for the live performance at the Finals’ Concert.Jury
Yan Huichang (Chairman of the Jury)Preliminary Round
Chew Hee-chiat (Hong Kong)
Tang Jianping (Beijing)
Xu Changjun (Tianjin)
Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg)
Chan Wing-wah (Hong Kong)
Chen Ning-chi (Hong Kong)
Joshua Chan (Hong Kong)
Pan Hwang-long (Taiwan)
Law Wai-lun (Singapore)Final Round
Lao Luo (Germany/Beijing)
Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg)
Guo Wenjing (Beijing)
Chen Tcheng-Hsiung (Taiwan)
Richard Tsang (Hong Kong)
Yan Huichang (Hong Kong)
Kuan Nai-chung (Canada)
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Soloist: Wong Chi-ching, Pipa
Conductor: Yan Huichang
Programme Tam Yat-sing Beating the Petty Person Guo Yuan Fluttering Butterfly Wings II Kong Zhixuan A Fantasy of Flying Apsaras Chong Kee Yong Southern Wind Chang Yingzhong A Ji Na Mu
(Tibetan Drama)Chow Jun Yi Kampung and the City Prize Winner
Best Orchestra Work
Kampung and the City by Chow Jun Yi
Best Solo and Orchestra Work
A Fantasy of Flying Apsaras
Concerto for Pipa and Chinese Orchestra by Kong Zhixuan
Best Work on a Hong Kong Theme
Beating the Petty Person by Tam Yat-sing
Outstanding Young Composer
A Fantasy of Flying Apsaras
Concerto for Pipa and Chinese Orchestra by Kong Zhixuan
Best Orchestration
A Fantasy of Flying Apsaras
Concerto for Pipa and Chinese Orchestra by Kong Zhixuan
Fluttering Butterfly Wings II by Guo Yuan
Southern Wind by Chong Kee Yong
Kampung and the City by Chow Jun Yi
Tam Yat-sing - Marcel Wengler - Richard Tsang
In cooperation with the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music.
5 - 16 July 2017The Third International Conducting Competition For Chinese Music
The first round of the Third International Conducting Competition for Chinese Music was held in Taipei between 14th and 16th December 2016. Among the 49 qualified contestants, 23 came from Taiwan, 4 from Hong Kong, 19 from mainland China, and one each from Japan, Ukraine and Singapore.
Under the stringent screening of the adjudicating panel of authoritative figures in music the First Round was smoothly completed on 16th December 2016 and a shortlist of 17 outstanding young contestants for the Second Round was announced: Yu Fan (Beijing), Wang Shun-Hung (Taiwan), Shen Wenyun (Hangzhou), Ho Chi Chung (Hong Kong), Li Jun (Shanghai), Lin Yi-Hui (Taiwan), Chiu Shih-Hsuan (Taiwan), Fan Kai-Hsi (Taiwan), Xu Xinchi (Shenzhen), Yu Chia-Fu (Taiwan), Tseng Wei-Yung (Taiwan), Tseng Te-Wei (Taiwan), Dong Chao (Shanghai), Liao Yuan-Hung (Taiwan), Liao Yuan-Yu (Taiwan), Zhao Wen (Luoyang) and Cheng Shing Tai (Hong Kong).
The panel of judges comprised:
Preliminary Round
Xia Feiyun (Head of the Panel of Judges)
Chen Tcheng-Hsiung
Chew Hee-chiat
Gu Bao-wen
Li Ying
Richard TsangSecond Round
Chan Wing-wah
Chen Tcheng-Hsiung
Chien Wen-pin
Dirk Duhei
Kuan Nai-chung
Marcel Wengler
Wang I-yuSemi-final & Final Round
Chan Wing-wah
Chen Tcheng-Hsiung
Dirk Duhei
Kuan Nai-chung
Tang Muhai
Marcel Wengler
Chan Ming-chiJudges unanimously agreed that standard of the contestants was encouraging. After serious adjudication process, panel of judges has successfully selected the following contestants to enter the second round:
Tseng Wei-Yung, Liao Yuan hung, Cheng Shing Tai, Liao Yuan-Yu, Ho Chi Chung, Zhao Wen.
The Second Round of the competition is scheduled to be held at the Xiqu Centre of Taiwan in Taipei between 4-9 July, 2017.
Semi-final and the final round will be held in Hong Kong between 10-16 July 2017.
The Final Competition Concert to be held on 16th July, 2017 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.
Finalists will compete for the laurel by conducting the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.Information:
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Artistic Director: Yan Huichang
www.hkco.orgIn cooperation with the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music
16 July 2017Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
The Final Competition Concert with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra was held on July 16, 2017 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.
Tseng Wei-Yung, Cheng Shing Tai, Liao Yuan-Yu
Liao Yuan-Yu
Tseng Wei-Yung
Cheng Shing Tai Announcement of Awards
First Prize: Liao Yuan-Yu (Taiwan)
Second Prize: Tseng Wei-Yung (Taiwan)
Third Prize: Cheng Shing Tai (Hong Kong)
New ReleaseLuxembourg Sinfonietta - DVD No 107
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Soloists: Irina Prodan, Soprano
Sarah Briganti, Piano
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Works by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Isaak Dunayevsky, Alexander Alyabiev, Veniamin Basner, Dimitri Shostakovich, Anatoly Novikov
Orchestrations and Arrangements by Marcel WenglerConcert Live Recording
Conservatoire de Musique de LuxembourgEditions LGNM DVD No 107
2-8 November 2017ISCM World New Music Days 2017
Vancouver (Canada)
Contemporary Music Festival
General Assembly of the ISCM
International Society for Contemporary Music
“It is my great pleasure to welcome ISCM delegates and composers from around the world and across Canada to this World New Music Days 2017 in Canada, and Vancouver in particular. With Europe to the East, and Asia to the West, Vancouver is at a unique crossroads of cultures, with its own perspective on the new art music that ISCM represents. In Vancouver, composers are far from the European centres of new music, and in touch with other fusions – with East Asian music, North American jazz and popular music, improvisation, and other traditions; music here can incorporate all of what has gone before with what is happening in various musical genres today. All seems possible.
Bringing together musicians, composers, and audiences from BC and across Canada with creators, presenters, and ISCM delegates for these seven days is very exciting, and we hope all will share in this. We’re happy to introduce many new compositions to our Vancouver audience, and via online viewing events, to audiences across Canada and around the World.
Along with Canadian League of Composers President Christopher Reiche Boucher and the rest of our ISCM2017 team, I’m very thankful to our supporters, funders, and many Individual and Foundation donors as well as the many composers and musicians whose work you will be hearing this week.”Jim Hiscott,
President of ISCM Canada
Events Calendar 2018
22 January 2018Zagreb “Lauba Concert Hall”
In cooperation with the Croatian Composers’ Society
CANTUS Ansambl
Conductor: Berislav Sipus
Programme Luc Brewaeys (Belgium) Cardhu Tijmen van Tol (Netherlands) Dream Anthology
world-premièreDavorin Kempf (Croatia) In modo classico Georges Lentz (Luxembourg) Nguurraa Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg) Triptych
Preconcert talk
Marcel Wengler
Ante Knesaurek
LGNM activities are financially supported by the Government Culture Department, Luxembourg
This site is copyrighted © 2013 by LGNM - Lëtzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek a.s.b.l.